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Curriculum Vitae of Adam Rycerz
Adam Paweł Jan Rycerz, born in Kraków, Poland, 30 April 1977.
Married to Katarzyna, sons Paweł (born 2005) and Piotr (2007).
Professional experience
- 2020 - present:
Professor in Institute for Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University,
- 2019 - 2020:
Associate professor (prof. UJ) in Marian Smoluchowski Institute
of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- 2006 - 2019:
Assistant professor (adiunkt) in Marian Smoluchowski Institute
of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- 2007 - 2009:
AvH fellow in Complex Quantum Systems Group, Institute for
Theoretical Physics, Regensburg, Germany
- 2005 - 2006:
Postdoc in Nanophysics Group, Instituut-Lorentz for
Theoretical Physics, Leiden, The Netherlands
- 2003-2006: Postdoc and volunteer instructor
in Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University,
- 2000-2003: PhD student in Marian Smoluchowski Institute
of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Education and academic degrees
- May 2020: State scientific title Professor,
President of Poland, Warszawa
- September 2010: Higher doctoral degree (habilitation),
Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- June 2003: PhD (cum laude), Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- June 2000: MSc (cum laude), Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- Fall 2000: TEMPUS Project, University-College Cork, Ireland
- Summer 1999: CERN Summer Student Programme, Switzerland
- Summer 1996: Research Science Institute (RSI '96), MIT, USA
- 1992-1996: A.Witkowski High School No. 5, Kraków
Functions and memberships
- 2020 - present: Member of Commission of Complex Systems,
Class III of Exact and Technical Sciences,
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Kraków
- 2017 - present: Condensed Matter Theory and Nanophysics Head,
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University,
- 2017:
National Science Center of Poland (NCN) Award in Physical Sciences
and Engineering
- 2011:
MNiSW Stipend for Oustanding Young Scientists for years 2011-2014
- 2011:
2nd degree award of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
(MNiSW) for habilitational dissertation
- 2008:
2nd degree award of the Jagiellonian University Rector
- 2005:
Foreign Postdoc Fellowship of Polish Science Foundation (FNP)
- 2004:
1st degree award of Polish Ministry of Education and Sport (MENiS)
for PhD thesis
- 2004:
2nd degree team award of the Cracow University of Technology Rector
- 2003-2004:
Scholarship of Polish Science Foundation (FNP)
- 2000:
3rd degree A.Piekara award of Polish Physical Society for MSc thesis
- 1997-99:
Stipend of Polish Ministry of Education (MEN)
Founded research
Project SONATA BIS - Macroscopic quantum effects, emergence, and quantum criticality in graphene and other Dirac systems (National Science Centre of Poland - NCN, Grant No. 2014/14/E/ST3/00256)
Dirac electrons in graphene nanosystems: Quantum transport and spectral distributions (NCN, Grant No. N-N202-031440)
The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) Support Grant ("Granty dla Stypendystów" Nr 01/07).
Teaching experience (selected topics)
- Spring 2013 - Spring 2014:
Quantum Foundations and The Structure of Matter for Biophysicists
(lecture + tutorial)
- Spring 2012 - Fall 2013:
Theory of Meso- and Nanoscopic Systems (lecture)
- Fall 2009 - Spring 2012:
Advanced Quantum Mechanics for PhD Students (lecture + tutorial)
- Spring 2007: Statistical Physics (tutorial)
- Fall 2006: Quantum Theory of Solids (lecture + tutorial)
- Spring 2005: Discrete Mathematics (tutorial)
- Spring 2005: Linear Algebra (tutorial)
- Fall 2004: Physics for Biologists (tutorial)
- Spring 2004: Mathematical Methods of Physics (tutorial)
- Spring 2004: Programming in Fortran 90/95 (laboratory)
Conference activity
- 9th Polish Conference "Graphene and other 2D materials",
September 8-10, 2024, Poznań, Poland (invited talk)
- XI Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO2024), June 30 - July 5,
2024, Lublin, Poland (oral presentation)
- International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering and
Technology (MSIconference 2024), February 26-28, 2024,
Singapore (invited talk)
- The European Conference: Physics of Magnetism 2023 (PM'23),
June 26-30, Poznań, Poland (oral presentation)
- International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering and
Technology (MSIconference 2022), December 21-24, 2022, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates (invited talk)
- Graphene and 2D Materials International Conference
(GrapheneforUS2022 Online),
April 6-7, 2022 (oral presentation)
- Graphene Week 2021,
September 20-24, virtual event hosted by Universite de Strasburg,
France (poster)
- Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2019),
September 30 - October 04, San Sebastian, Spain (oral presentation)
- Graphene Week 2019,
September 23-27, Helsinki, Finland (poster)
- Fundamental Aspects of Superconductivity: 3rd International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Selected Systems (StoCP-2018),
September 16-21, Zakopane, Poland (invited talk)
- Graphene Week 2018,
September 10-14, San Sebastian, Spain (poster)
- EMN Meeting on Computation and Theory 2018,
September 3-7, San Sebastian, Spain (invited talk)
- DPG Spring Meeting 2018,
March 11-16, Berlin, Germany (oral presentation)
- From Spins to Cooper Pairs and Back: 2nd International Conference on Magnetism and Superconductivity in Selected Systems (StoCP-2016),
September 25-30, Zakopane, Poland (oral presentation)
- 5th International Symposium on Graphene Devices (ISGD-5),
July 11-14, 2016, Brisbane, Australia (oral presentation)
- Graphene Week 2016,
June 13-17, Warsaw, Poland (oral presentation)
- EMN Meeting on Carbon Nanostructures 2016,
March 29-31, Honolulu, Hawai, USA (invited talk)
- Graphene & 2D Materials International Conference and Exhibition (Graphene Canada 2015),
October 14-16, Montreal, Canada (oral presentation)
- From Spins to Cooper Pairs: New Physics of the Spins (StoCP-2014),
September 22-26, Zakopane, Poland (oral presentation)
- Graphene Week 2013,
June 2-7, Chemnitz, Germany (poster)
- Graphene Week 2012,
June 4-8, Delft, The Netherlands (poster)
- The European Conference: Physics of Magnetism PM'11,
June 27 - July 1, Poznań, Poland (poster)
- 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference
(CHAOS 2011), 31 May - 3 June, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece
(oral presentation)
- Graphene 2011,
April 11-14, Bilbao, Spain (poster)
- DPG Spring Meeting 2010,
March 21-26, Regensburg, Germany (oral presentation)
- DPG Spring Meeting 2009,
March 22-27, Dresden, Germany (oral presentation)
- TNT '08 Trends in Nanotechnology,
September 1-5, Oviedo, Spain (poster)
- Graphene Week 2008,
August 25-29, Trieste, Italy (poster)
- The European Conference: Physics of Magnetism PM'08,
June 24-27, Poznań, Poland (oral presentation)
- TNT '07 Trends in Nanotechnology,
September 3-7, San Sebastian, Spain (oral presentation)
- International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES'07,
May 13-18, Houston, USA (poster)
- International Conference: Nanoelectronics 2006,
Jan 8-11, Lancaster, UK (poster)
- The European Conference: Physics of Magnetism PM'05,
June 24-27, Poznań, Poland (oral presentation)
- International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES'05,
July 26-30, Vienna, Austria (poster)
- TNT '04 Trends in Nanotechnology,
September 13-17, Segovia, Spain (poster)
- International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES'04,
July 26-30, Karlsruhe, Germany (poster)
- VIII Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors,
October 6-17, 2003, Vietri sul Mare, Italy (oral presentation)
- NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Concepts in Electron Correlations,
September 2003, Hvar, Croatia (poster)
- VII Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors,
October 14-25, 2002, Vietri sul Mare, Italy (oral presentation)
- International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES'02,
July 10-13, Kraków, Poland (poster)
- VIII Dutch-Polish Colloquium on Condensed Matter Physics: New Materials and Novel Phases,
February 7-10, 2002, Duszniki Zdroj, Poland (oral presentation)
- VI Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors,
October 8-19, 2001, Vietri sul Mare, Italy (oral presentation)
- 6th Patras University Euroconference on Properties of Condensed Matter Probed with X-Ray Scattering: Electron Correlations and Magnetism,
September 21-25, 2001, Patras, Greece (poster)
- NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Open Problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems,
May 2000, Bled, Slovenia (poster)
Thesis promoted
- D. Suszalski,
Relativistic charge and energy transport phenomena in graphene
PhD Thesis. Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 21.01.2021.
[see full text]
- G. Rut,
Quantum transport of Dirac fermions in single and bilayer graphene:
Chiral tunneling and quantum interference.
PhD Thesis. Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 28.04.2016.
[see full text]
Dissertations reviewed
- A. Manaparambil,
Nonequilibrium transport and Kondo correlations
in nanoscale systems.
PhD Thesis. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,
Poznań, to be completed.
[see report]
- T. Paul,
Effect of excitons in quantum spin Hall effect.
PhD Thesis. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Warszawa, 29.02.2024.
[see report]
- A. Kłosiński,
Orbital effects in elemental chalcogens.
PhD Thesis. University of Warsaw,
Warszawa, 6.11.2023.
[see report]
- B. Rzepkowski,
Simulation of two-dimensional strongly correlated systems via
tree-like isometric tensor networks: From physical models to
quantum computers.
PhD Thesis. Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
Wrocław, 10.10.2023.
[see report]
- M. M. Wysokiński,
Fazy i przemiany fazowe w równowagowych i nierównowagowych
układach skorelowanych fermionów.
Habilitation. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Warszawa, 30.06.2022.
[see report]
- M. Świderski,
Atomistic theory of excitonic fine structure in InAs/InP nanowire
quantum dot molecules.
PhD Thesis. Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń, Toruń,
[see report]
- M. Bieniek,
Electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional transition
metal dichalcogenide crystals.
PhD Thesis. Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
Wrocław, 21.04.2021.
[see report]
- A. Poszwa,
Efekty związane ze spinem i efekty relatywistyczne w układach
Habilitation. Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń, Toruń,
[see report]
- M. Brzezińska,
Beyond the ten-fold way: novel topological phases
in low–dimensional systems.
PhD Thesis. Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
Wrocław, 27.01.2021.
[see report]
- A. Dyrdał,
Nierównowagowe efekty spinowo-orbitalne w układach dwuwymiarowych.
Habilitation. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,
Poznań, 8.05.2020.
[see report]
- B. Grygiel,
Zjawiska transportowe w układach ultrachłodnych bozonów
w sieciach optycznych.
PhD Thesis. Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
Wrocław, 7.02.2020.
[see report]
- A. Płomińska,
Spin effects in electron transport through tunnel junctions
with embedded magnetic molecules.
PhD Thesis. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poznań,
[see report]
- B. Jaworowski,
Electron correlations in topological flat bands.
PhD Thesis. Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
Wrocław, 26.02.2019.
[see report]
- W. Brzezicki,
Spinowy, orbitalny i topologiczny porządek w modelach silnie
skorelowanych elektronów.
Habilitation. Jagiellonian University,
Kraków, 24.05.2018.
[see report]
- A. Podsiadły-Paszkowska,
Funkcjonalizowany silicen z pierwszych zasad.
PhD Thesis. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin,
Lublin, 22.01.2018.
[see report]
- D. Żebrowski,
Elektrostatyczne kropki kwantowe w strukturach grafenowych.
PhD Thesis. AGH University of Science and Technology,
Kraków, 21.09.2017.
[see report]
- D. Crivelli,
Particle and energy transport in strongly driven one-dimensional quantum systems.
PhD Thesis. University of Silesia, Katowice, 28.06.2016.
[see report]
- J. Łuczak,
Splątanie i kwantowe operacje logiczne indukowane polem elektrycznym
w układzie trzech kropek kwantowych.
PhD Thesis. Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences,
Poznań, 17.11.2015.
[see report]
- W. Pasek,
Własności układów dziurowych w kropkach kwantowych:
mieszanie pasm walencyjnych, własności optyczne oraz spinowe.
PhD Thesis. AGH University of Science and Technology,
Kraków, 19.10.2015.
[see report]
- K. Szałowski,
Magnetyzm nanostruktur grafenowych - zagadnienia teoretyczne.
Habilitation. University of Lodz,
Łódź, 30.09.2015.
[see report]
- B. Spisak,
Własności transportowe i lokalizacja stanów jednoelektronowych
w układach o zaburzonej symetrii translacyjnej.
Habilitation. AGH University of Science and Technology,
Kraków, 17.03.2014.
[see report]
- M. Nowak,
Electronic structure of artificial
atoms and molecules: Spin orbit coupling effects.
PhD Thesis. AGH University of Science and Technology,
Kraków, 28.10.2013.
[see report]
- M. Poniedziałek,
Siła Lorentza w transporcie ładunku przez pierścienie kwantowe.
PhD Thesis. AGH University of Science and Technology,
Kraków, 22.10.2012.
[see report]
- J. Kaczmarczyk,
Unconventional Superconductivity in Correlated Fermion Systems.
PhD Thesis. Jagiellonian University,
Kraków, 30.06.2011.
[see report]
Contents © 2015-2025 by Adam Rycerz.
This page was last updated on February 20, 2025.