Work in progress (submitted)
- Andrzej Odrzywolek, Criteria for the numerical constant recognition
arXiv:2002.12690 Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM)
Research papers:
- Adam Cieślik, Patryk Mach, Andrzej Odrzywolek, Monte Carlo methods for stationary solutions of general-relativistic Vlasov systems: Planar accretion onto a moving Schwarzschild black hole Phys. Rev. D 110, 084014 (2024)
- Patryk Mach, Adam Cieślik, Andrzej Odrzywolek, Monte Carlo methods for stationary solutions of general-relativistic Vlasov systems: Collisionless accretion onto black holes Phys. Rev. D 108, 124057 (2023)
- Amparo Gil, Javier Segura, Nico M. Temme, Andrzej Odrzywolek, Evaluation of the generalized Fermi-Dirac integral and its derivatives for moderate/large values of the parameters , Computer Physics Communications, Volume 283, February (2023), 108563
- Adam Cieślik, Patryk Mach, Andrzej Odrzywolek, Accretion of the relativistic Vlasov gas in the equatorial plane of the Kerr black hole Phys. Rev. D 106, 104056 (2022)
- Patryk Mach, Andrzej Odrzywolek,
Accretion of dark matter onto a moving Schwarzschild black hole: An exact solution
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 101104 (2021),
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.101104 ,
Abstract , Animated Fig. 1
- Patryk Mach, Andrzej Odrzywolek,
Accretion of the relativistic Vlasov gas onto a moving Schwarzschild black hole: Exact solutions
Phys. Rev. D 103, 024044 (2021),
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.024044,
arXiv:2009.13433 General Relativity [gr-qc]
- Patryk Mach, Sergio Gimeno-Soler, Jose A. Font, Andrzej Odrzywolek, Michal Pirog,
Self-gravitating magnetised tori around black holes in general relativity,
Phys. Rev. D 99, 104063 (2019),
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.104063 ,
arXiv:1903.10408 [gr-qc]
- A. Odrzywolek, J. Rafelski, Classification of exoplanets according to density, Acta Physica Polonica B,
Vol. 49, No. 11, p. 1917 (2018)
- J. Karkowski, W. Kulczycki, P. Mach, E. Malec, A. Odrzywolek, M. Pirog,
Self-gravitating axially symmetric disks in general-relativistic rotation,
Phys. Rev. D 97, 104017 (2018),
arXiv:1802.02848 [gr-qc]
- J. Karkowski, W. Kulczycki, P. Mach, E. Malec, A. Odrzywolek, M. Pirog,
General-relativistic rotation: self-gravitating fluid tori in Keplerian motion around black holes,
Phys. Rev. D 97, 104034 (2018),
arXiv:1712.05673 [gr-qc]
- J. Knopik, P. Mach, A. Odrzywołek,
The shape of a rapidly rotating polytrope with index unity,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 467, Issue 4, p.4965-4969, (2017)
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx164 ,
arXiv:1701.05782 [astro-ph.SR]
- A. Odrzywolek,
Generalized three body problem and the instability of the
composite objects in binary systems,
Acta Phys. Pol. B No 12 Vol. 46 (2015) p. 2555
[PDF] ,
DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.46.2555 ,
- Andrzej Odrzywolek, How to Build the
Perfect Igloo , Eureka , 63 , 1001110-1001111 (2014).
- Timothy Handy, Tomasz Plewa, Andrzej Odrzywolek,
Toward connecting core-collapse supernova theory with observations:
I. Shock revival in a 15 Msun blue supergiant progenitor with SN 1987A energetics ,
Astrophysical Journal, 783, 125, 2014.
- A. Odrzywolek,
NSE abundance data,
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (2012), 98 (2012) 852-861
arXiv:1008.0798 ,
- A. Odrzywolek,
Gaussian integration with rescaling of abscissas and weights,
Computer Physics Communications, 182 , 2533-2539, 2011.
Abstract ,
arXiv:1007.3811 ,
- A. Odrzywolek and T. Plewa,
Probing thermonuclear supernova explosions with neutrinos,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 529, A156 (2011).
- A. Odrzywolek, Holes in the static Einstein universe and a model of the cosmological
voids, Phys. Rev. D, 80 (10) 103515, November 2009.
Abstract ,
arXiv:0909.4198v1 ,
- A. Odrzywolek, Nuclear statistical equilibrium neutrino spectrum,
Phys. Rev. C, 80 (4) 045801, October 2009.
Abstract ,
arXiv:0903.2311v1 ,
- A. Odrzywolek and M. Kutschera, Kaon condensate with trapped neutrinos and high-density
symmetry energy behavior, Acta Phys. Pol. B, 40 195, January 2009.
Abstract ,
arXiv:astro-ph/0703686v1 ,
- A. Odrzywołek, Plasmaneutrino spectrum, European Physical Journal C,
52 425–434, October 2007.
Abstract ,
arXiv:0704.1222v1 ,
- M. Misiaszek, A. Odrzywolek, M. Kutschera, Neutrino spectrum from the pair-annihilation
process in the hot stellar plasma, Physical Review D, 74(4) 043006, 2006.
Abstract ,
arXiv:astro-ph/0511555v2 ,
- A. Odrzywolek, M. Misiaszek, M. Kutschera, Detection possibility of the pair-annihilation
neutrinos from the neutrino-cooled pre-supernova star, Astroparticle Physics,
21 303–313, June 2004.
Abstract ,
- A. Odrzywołek, Analytical approximation for the structure of differentially rotating
barotropes, MNRAS, 345 497–505, October 2003.
Abstract ,
arXiv:astro-ph/0306607v1 ,
- A. Odrzywolek, M. Kutschera, M. Misiaszek and K. Grotowski, Core-Collapse Supernova
Mechanism — Importance of Rotation , Acta Phys. Pol. B, 34 2791, May 2003.
Abstract ,
arXiv:astro-ph/0310047v1 ,
Conference proceedings:
- P. Mach, A. Odrzywolek,
Equatorial Accretion on the Kerr Black Hole,
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement, 16 , 6-A13 (2023)
DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.16.6-A13 ,
- P. Mach, A. Odrzywolek,
Accretion of the relativistic vlasov gas onto a moving schwarzschild black hole: low-temperature limit and numerical aspects,
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement, 15 , 1-A7 (2022)
DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.15.1-A7 ,
- T. Plewa, T. Handy, A. Odrzywolek,
Toward Connecting Core-Collapse Supernova Theory with Observations: Nucleosynthetic Yields and Distribution of Elements in a 15 Msun Blue Supergiant Progenitor with SN 1987A Energetics,
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 59 , April 2014.
- T. Handy, T. Plewa, A. Odrzywolek,
Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Mechanisms: SASI vs Neutrino Driven Convection,
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 57 , November 16, 2012.
- T. Plewa, A. Gawryszczak, K. Kifonidis, A. Odrzywolek,
The First Three Months of a Core Collapse Supernova: Multidimensional Hydrodynamic Models,
American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #219, #103.02.
- A. Odrzywolek and A. Heger,
Neutrino signatures of dying massive stars: From main sequence to the neutron star,
Acta Physica Polonica B Vol. 41, No. 7, July 2010, page 1611.
Abstract ,
- M. Kutschera, A. Odrzywolek, M. Misiaszek,
Presupernovae as Powerful Neutrino Sources
Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 40, No. 11, November 2009, page 3063.
Abstract ,
- A. Odrzywolek, M. Misiaszek and M. Kutschera, Future neutrino observations of nearby
pre-supernova stars before core-collapse , In: J. R.Wilkes, editor,
Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Deterctors NNN06,
Volume 944 of American Institute of Physics Conference Series, pages 109–118, November 2007.
Abstract ,
- A. Odrzywolek, M. Misiaszek and M. Kutschera,
Thermal neutrinos from pre-supernova,
Proceedings of the XXIIth International Conference on Neutrino
Physics and Astrophysics, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 13-19, 2006, page 458.
Edited by: Geoffrey B. Mills, Steve Elliott, Terrance Goldman, Thomas Bowles,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.
http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0608492 ,
Finally published in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, Volume 221, December 2011, Page 380.
- A. Odrzywolek, M. Misiaszek, M. Kutschera, Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova Star,
Acta Phys. Pol. B, 35 1981, June 2004.
Abstract ,
arXiv:astro-ph/0405006v1 ,
Artykuły na tematy astrofizyczne [PL]:
- A. Odrzywołek, Pomiar masy Ziemi a stała grawitacyjna ,
Neutrino , 29 , Lato 2015.
- A. Odrzywołek, Sześciokąt na biegunie Saturna (Saturn’s north pole hexagon),
Foton ,
Numer 125, 13-17, Lato 2014.
- A. Odrzywołek, Rozwiązanie równania oscylatora harmonicznego (How to solve simple harmonic oscillator differential equation),
Foton ,
Numer 120, 32-45, Wiosna 2013.
- A. Odrzywołek, Niektóre problemy pomiaru odległości we Wszechświecie.
Supernowa typu Ia jako świeca standardowa po SN 2011fe ,
Prace Komisji Astrofizyki PAU (ISSN 1732-2677 ), Nr. 15, str. 15-27, 2013
- A. Odrzywołek, Astronomia i astrofizyka na orbicie. ,
Prace Komisji Astrofizyki PAU (ISSN 1732-2677 ), Nr. 15, str. 9-14, 2013.
- A. Odrzywołek, Nagroda Nobla z (astro)fizyki 2011 ,
Neutrino , 15 , Zima 2011.
- A. Odrzywołek, O polu magnetycznym gwiazd i planet ,
Neutrino , 10 , str. 8-10, Jesień 2010.
- A. Odrzywołek, Gwiezdna amnezja ,
Prace Komisji Astrofizyki PAU (ISSN 1732-2677 ), Nr. 13, str. 21-23, 2011.
[PDF] , [ODT]
- A. Odrzywolek, Kiedy eksploduje Betelgeza? (When will the star Betelgeuse explode?),
Foton ,
Numer 107, 15–19, Zima 2009.
- A. Odrzywołek, Polski model supernowej (Polish supernova model) ,
Foton ,
Numer 102, 4-13, Jesień 2008.
- A. Odrzywołek, Astrofizyka i Ogólna Teoria Względności w Krakowie (Astrophysics and General Theory of Relativity in Cracow) ,
Foton ,
Numer 99, 21-22, Zima 2007.
- A. Odrzywołek, ,,TURBULENCJA'' W EKSPLOZJACH SUPERNOWYCH (''Turbulence'' in supernova explosions) ,
Prace Komisji Astrofizyki PAU (ISSN 1732-2677) , 12, 21-37, 2008.
- A. Odrzywołek, 400 lat bez eksplozji supernowej. Kiedy nastepna? ,
Prace Komisji Astrofizyki PAU (ISSN 1732-2677) , 10, 73-136, 2006.
Other published work:
- A. Odrzywołek, Astronomia neutrinowa - wyzwania XXI wieku,
Rozprawa habilitacyjna, Jagiellonian University, M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Cracov,
Poland, 2011.
Ph.D. Thesis, Jagiellonian University, M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Cracov,
Poland, September 2004.
- A.Odrzywolek, M.Sc. Thesis, Jagiellonian University Cracov, 2000.
Załącznik do raportu końcowego z grantu
Astronomia neutrin z zaawansowanych ewolucyjnie gwiazd
- nowe narzędzie astrofizyki.