Valentina Bisogni, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Satoshi Nishimoto, Claude Monney, Orbital Control of Effective Dimensionality: From Spin-Orbital |
Cheng-Chien Chen, Michel van Veenendaal, Thomas P. Devereaux Fractionalization, entanglement, and separation: |
Andrzej M. Oleś Frustration and Entanglement in Compass and Spin-Orbital Models |
Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Cheng-Chien Chenc, Michel van Veenendaal Spin Chain in Magnetic Field: Limitations of the Large-N Mean-Field Theory |
Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś Multiband d-p Model for the Description of Sr2RuO4 |
Wojciech Brzezicki, Maria Daghofer, and Andrzej M. Oleś Hole Propagation in the Orbital Compass Models |
Krzysztof Bieniasz and Andrzej M. Oleś Polaron states in a CuO chain |
Dorota Gotfryd and Andrzej M. Oleś Quantum Phase Transitions in the Kitaev-Heisenberg Model on a Single Hexagon |
Wojciech Brzezicki, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Mario Cuoco |
Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś Charge-transfer model for the electronic structure of layered ruthenates |
Urszula D. Wdowik, Przemysław Piekarz, Paweł T. Jochym, Krzysztof Parlinski Influence of isolated and clustered defects on electronic |
W. Brzezicki, I. Hagymasi, J. Dziarmaga, and Ors Legeza Second-order Peierls transition in the spin-orbital Kumar-Heisenberg model |
Grégoire Lhoutellier, Raymond Frésard, and Andrzej M. Oleś Fermi-liquid Landau parameters for a nondegenerate band: |
Wojciech Brzezicki, Canio Noce, Alfonso Romano, and Mario Cuoco Zigzag and Checkerboard Magnetic Patterns |
Y. Wang, K. Wohlfeld, B. Moritz, C. J. Jia, M. van Veenendaal, K. Wu, C.-C. Chen Origin of strong dispersion in Hubbard insulators |
M. Sternik, S. Couet, J. Łażewski, P.T. Jochym, K. Parlinski, A. Vantomme Dynamical properties of ordered Fe-Pt alloys |
N. Spiridis, M. Zając, P. Piekarz, A. I. Chumakov, K. Freindl, J. Goniakowski, Phonons in ultrathin oxide films: 2D to 3D transition in FeO on Pt(111) |
Wen-Long You, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Peter Horsch Entanglement driven Phase Transitions in Spin-Orbital Models |
Wen-Long You, Peter Horsch, and Andrzej M. Oleś Quantum Entanglement in the One Dimensional Spin-Orbital SU(2) ⊗ XXZ Model |
Adolfo Avella, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Peter Horsch, Defects, Disorder and Strong Electron Correlations in Orbitally Degenerate Doped Mott Insulators |
Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś, Multiband d — p model and self-doping in the electronic structure of Ba2IrO4 |
Owen Benton, Olga Sikora, and Nic Shannon, Classical and quantum theories of proton disorder in hexagonal water ice |
Wojciech Brzezicki, Mario Cuoco, and Andrzej M. Oleś Novel Spin-Orbital Phases Induced by Orbital Dilution |
R. Pradip, P. Piekarz, A. Bosak, D. G. Merkel, O. Waller, A. Seiler, A. I. Chumakov, Lattice Dynamics of EuO: Evidence for Giant Spin-Phonon Coupling |
Piotr Czarnik, Jacek Dziarmaga, and Andrzej M. Oleś Variational tensor network renormalization in imaginary time: |
Wojciech Brzezicki and Andrzej M. Oleś One-dimensional frustrated plaquette compass model: |
O. Waller, P. Piekarz, A. Bosak, P. T. Jochym, S. Ibrahimkutty, A. Seiler, M. Krisch, Lattice dynamics of neodymium: Influence of 4f electron correlations |
R. A. Ewings, T. G. Perring, O. Sikora, D. L. Abernathy, Y. Tomioka, and Y. Tokura, Spin excitations used to probe the nature of exchange coupling |
A. Seiler, P. Piekarz, S. Ibrahimkutty, D. G. Merkel, O. Waller, R. Pradip, Anomalous Lattice Dynamics of EuSi2 Nanoislands: Role of Interfaces Unveiled |
Chunjing Jia, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Yao Wang, Brian Moritz, and Thomas P. Devereaux Using RIXS to Uncover Elementary Charge and Spin Excitations |
H. Y. Huang, C. J. Jia, Z. Y. Chen, K. Wohlfeld, B. Moritz, T. P. Devereaux, Raman and fluorescence characteristics of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering from doped superconducting cuprates |
Ekaterina M. Plotnikova, Maria Daghofer, Jeroen van den Brink, and Krzysztof Wohlfeld Jahn-Teller Effect in Systems with Strong On-Site Spin-Orbit Coupling |
T. P. Devereaux, A. M. Shvaika, K. Wu, K. Wohlfeld, C. J. Jia, Y. Wang, B. Moritz, L. Chaix, W.-S. Lee, Z.-X. Shen, G. Ghiringhelli, and L. Braicovich Directly Characterizing the Relative Strength and Momentum Dependence |
W.-L. You, Yu-C. Qiu, and A. M. Oleś Quantum phase transitions in a generalized compass chain with three-site interactions |
K. Bieniasz, M. Berciu, M. Daghofer, and A. M. Oleś Green's function variational approach to orbital polarons in KCuF3 |
K. Bieniasz, M. Berciu, and A. M. Oleś The Green Function Variational Approximation: |
Mateusz Snamina and Andrzej M. Oleś Spin-Orbital order in the undoped manganite LaMnO3 at finite temperature |
Wojciech Brzezicki, Mario Cuoco, and Andrzej M. Oleś Exotic Spin-Orbital Physics in Hybrid Oxides |
D. Gotfryd, J. Rusnacko, K. Wohlfeld, G. Jackeli, J. Chaloupka, and A. M. Oleś Phase diagram of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model: Importance of quantum effects |
A. Ptok, K. J. Kapcia, A. Cichy, A. M. Oleś, and P. Piekarz Magnetic Lifshitz transition and its consequences in multi-band iron-based superconductors |
Wojciech Brzezicki, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Mario Cuoco Driving Topological Phases by Spatially Inhomogeneous Pairing Centers |
A. Ptok, K. J. Kapcia, P. Piekarz, and A. M. Oles The ab initio study of unconventional superconductivity in CeCoIn5 and FeSe |
W.-L. You, C.-J. Zhang, W. Ni, M. Gong, and A. M. Oles Emergent phases in a compass chain with multi-site interactions |
K. Bieniasz, M. Berciu, and A. M. Oleś Orbiton-Magnon Interplay in the Spin-Orbital Polarons of KCuF3 and LaMnO3 |
M. Rossi, M. Retegan, C. Giacobbe, R. Fumagalli, A. Efimenko, T. Kulka, Possibility to realize spin-orbit-induced correlated physics in iridium fluorides |
Andrzej M. Oleś Orbital Physics |
S. Borroni, E. Baldini, V. M. Katukuri, A. Mann, K. Parlinski, D. Legut, C. Arrell, Coherent generation of symmetry-forbidden phonons by light-induced electron-phonon interactions in magnetite |
Ekaterina M. Pärschke, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Kateryna Foyevtsova & Jeroen van den Brink Correlation induced electron-hole asymmetry in quasi- two-dimensional iridates |
Y. F. Kung, C. Bazin, K. Wohlfeld, Yao Wang, C.-C. Chen, C. J. Jia, S. Johnston, Numerically exploring the 1D-2D dimensional crossover on spin dynamics |
Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś On the Neglect of Local Coulomb Interaction on Oxygens in Perovskites Described by the Multiband d-p Model |
Adolfo Avella, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Peter Horsch Fingerprints of spin-orbital polarons and of their disorder in the photoemission spectra of doped Mott insulators with orbital degeneracy |