
Valentina Bisogni, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Satoshi Nishimoto, Claude Monney,
Jan Trinckauf, Kejin Zhou, Roberto Kraus, Klaus Koepernik, Chinnathambi Sekar, Vladimir Strocov, Bernd Büchner, Thorsten Schmitt, Jeroen van den Brink
and Jochen Geck

Orbital Control of Effective Dimensionality: From Spin-Orbital
Fractionalization to Confinement in the Anisotropic Ladder System CaCu2O3

Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 096402 (2015)


Cheng-Chien Chen, Michel van Veenendaal, Thomas P. Devereaux
and Krzysztof Wohlfeld

Fractionalization, entanglement, and separation:
Understanding the collective excitations in a spin-orbital chain

Phys. Rev. B 91, 165102 (2015)


Andrzej M. Oleś

Frustration and Entanglement in Compass and Spin-Orbital Models
Acta Phys. Polon. A 127, 163 (2015)

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Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Cheng-Chien Chenc, Michel van Veenendaal
Thomas P. Devereaux

Spin Chain in Magnetic Field: Limitations of the Large-N Mean-Field Theory
Acta Phys. Polon. A 127, 201 (2015)


Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś

Multiband d-p Model for the Description of Sr2RuO4
Acta Phys. Polon. A 127, 260 (2015)


Wojciech Brzezicki, Maria Daghofer, and Andrzej M. Oleś

Hole Propagation in the Orbital Compass Models
Acta Phys. Polon. A 127, 263 (2015)

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Krzysztof Bieniasz and Andrzej M. Oleś

Polaron states in a CuO chain
Acta Phys. Polon. A 127, 269 (2015)


Dorota Gotfryd and Andrzej M. Oleś

Quantum Phase Transitions in the Kitaev-Heisenberg Model on a Single Hexagon
Acta Phys. Polon. A 127, 318 (2015)


Wojciech Brzezicki, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Mario Cuoco
Spin-Orbital Order Modified by Orbital Dilution in Transition-Metal Oxides:
From Spin Defects to Frustrated Spins Polarizing Host Orbitals
Physical Review X 5, 011037 (2015)

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Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś

Charge-transfer model for the electronic structure of layered ruthenates
Physical Review B 91, 155137 (2015)


Urszula D. Wdowik, Przemysław Piekarz, Paweł T. Jochym, Krzysztof Parlinski
and Andrzej M. Oleś

Influence of isolated and clustered defects on electronic
and dielectric properties of wüstite
Physical Review B 91, 195111 (2015)


W. Brzezicki, I. Hagymasi, J. Dziarmaga, and Ors Legeza

Second-order Peierls transition in the spin-orbital Kumar-Heisenberg model
Physical Review B 91, 205137 (2015)


Grégoire Lhoutellier, Raymond Frésard, and Andrzej M. Oleś

Fermi-liquid Landau parameters for a nondegenerate band:
Spin and charge instabilities in the extended Hubbard model
Physical Review B 91, 224410 (2015)


Wojciech Brzezicki, Canio Noce, Alfonso Romano, and Mario Cuoco

Zigzag and Checkerboard Magnetic Patterns
in Orbitally Directional Double-Exchange Systems

Physical Review Letters 114, 247002 (2015)


Y. Wang, K. Wohlfeld, B. Moritz, C. J. Jia, M. van Veenendaal, K. Wu, C.-C. Chen
and T. P. Devereaux

Origin of strong dispersion in Hubbard insulators
Physical Review B 92, 075119 (2015)

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M. Sternik, S. Couet, J. Łażewski, P.T. Jochym, K. Parlinski, A. Vantomme
K. Temst, P. Piekarz

Dynamical properties of ordered Fe-Pt alloys
J. Alloys Comp. 651, 528 (2015)


N. Spiridis, M. Zając, P. Piekarz, A. I. Chumakov, K. Freindl, J. Goniakowski,
A. Kozioł-Rachwał, K. Parliński, M. Ślęzak, T. Ślęzak, U. D. Wdowik,
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Phonons in ultrathin oxide films: 2D to 3D transition in FeO on Pt(111)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 186102 (2015)


Wen-Long You, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Peter Horsch

Entanglement driven Phase Transitions in Spin-Orbital Models
New J. Phys. 17, 083009/1-11 (2015)


Wen-Long You, Peter Horsch, and Andrzej M. Oleś

Quantum Entanglement in the One Dimensional Spin-Orbital SU(2) ⊗ XXZ Model
Physical Review B 92, 054423/1-19 (2015)

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Adolfo Avella, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Peter Horsch,

Defects, Disorder and Strong Electron Correlations in Orbitally Degenerate Doped Mott Insulators
Physical Review Letters 115, 206403/1-5 (2015)


Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś,

Multiband d — p model and self-doping in the electronic structure of Ba2IrO4
Physical Review B 93, 085106 (2016)


Owen Benton, Olga Sikora, and Nic Shannon,

Classical and quantum theories of proton disorder in hexagonal water ice
Phys. Rev. B 93, 125143 (2016)


Wojciech Brzezicki, Mario Cuoco, and Andrzej M. Oleś

Novel Spin-Orbital Phases Induced by Orbital Dilution
J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 29, 563 (2016)

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R. Pradip, P. Piekarz, A. Bosak, D. G. Merkel, O. Waller, A. Seiler, A. I. Chumakov,
R. Rüffer, A. M. Oleś, K. Parlinski, M. Krisch, T. Baumbach, and S. Stankov

Lattice Dynamics of EuO: Evidence for Giant Spin-Phonon Coupling
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 185501 (2016)


Piotr Czarnik, Jacek Dziarmaga, and Andrzej M. Oleś

Variational tensor network renormalization in imaginary time:
Two-dimensional quantum compass model at finite temperature
Phys. Rev. B 93, 184410 (2016)

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Wojciech Brzezicki and Andrzej M. Oleś

One-dimensional frustrated plaquette compass model:
Nematic phase and spontaneous multimerization
Physical Review B 93, 214402 (2016)

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O. Waller, P. Piekarz, A. Bosak, P. T. Jochym, S. Ibrahimkutty, A. Seiler, M. Krisch,
T. Baumbach, K. Parlinski, and S. Stankov

Lattice dynamics of neodymium: Influence of 4f  electron correlations
Phys. Rev. B 94, 014303 (2016)


R. A. Ewings, T. G. Perring, O. Sikora, D. L. Abernathy, Y. Tomioka, and Y. Tokura,

Spin excitations used to probe the nature of exchange coupling
in the magnetically ordered ground state of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3
Phys. Rev. B 94, 014405 (2016)


A. Seiler, P. Piekarz, S. Ibrahimkutty, D. G. Merkel, O. Waller, R. Pradip,
A. I. Chumakov, R. Rüffer, T. Baumbach, K. Parlinski, M. Fiederle, and S. Stankov

Anomalous Lattice Dynamics of EuSi2 Nanoislands: Role of Interfaces Unveiled
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 276101 (2016)


Chunjing Jia, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Yao Wang, Brian Moritz, and Thomas P. Devereaux

Using RIXS to Uncover Elementary Charge and Spin Excitations
PHYSICAL REVIEW X 6, 021020 (2016)

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H. Y. Huang, C. J. Jia, Z. Y. Chen, K. Wohlfeld, B. Moritz, T. P. Devereaux,
W. B. Wu, J. Okamoto, W. S. Lee, M. Hashimoto, Y. He, Z. X. Shen, Y. Yoshida, H. Eisaki,
C. Y. Mou, C. T. Chen & D. J. Huang

Raman and fluorescence characteristics of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering from doped superconducting cuprates


Ekaterina M. Plotnikova, Maria Daghofer, Jeroen van den Brink, and Krzysztof Wohlfeld

Jahn-Teller Effect in Systems with Strong On-Site Spin-Orbit Coupling
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 106401 (2016)


T. P. Devereaux, A. M. Shvaika, K. Wu, K. Wohlfeld, C. J. Jia, Y. Wang, B. Moritz, L. Chaix, W.-S. Lee, Z.-X. Shen, G. Ghiringhelli, and L. Braicovich

Directly Characterizing the Relative Strength and Momentum Dependence
of Electron-Phonon Coupling Using Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
PHYSICAL REVIEW X 6, 041019 (2016)

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W.-L. You, Yu-C. Qiu, and A. M. Oleś

Quantum phase transitions in a generalized compass chain with three-site interactions
Phys. Rev. B 93, 214417 (2016)


K. Bieniasz, M. Berciu, M. Daghofer, and A. M. Oleś

Green's function variational approach to orbital polarons in KCuF3
Phys. Rev. B 94, 085117 (2016)


K. Bieniasz, M. Berciu, and A. M. Oleś

The Green Function Variational Approximation:
Significance of Physical Constraints
Acta Phys. Polon. A 130, 659-662 (2016)


Mateusz Snamina and Andrzej M. Oleś

Spin-Orbital order in the undoped manganite LaMnO3 at finite temperature
Phys. Rev. B 94, 214426 (2016)


Wojciech Brzezicki, Mario Cuoco, and Andrzej M. Oleś

Exotic Spin-Orbital Physics in Hybrid Oxides
J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 30, 129-134 (2017)


D. Gotfryd, J. Rusnacko, K. Wohlfeld, G. Jackeli, J. Chaloupka, and A. M. Oleś

Phase diagram of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model: Importance of quantum effects
Phys. Rev. B 95, 024426 (2017)


A. Ptok, K. J. Kapcia, A. Cichy, A. M. Oleś, and P. Piekarz

Magnetic Lifshitz transition and its consequences in multi-band iron-based superconductors
Scientific Reports 7, 41979 (2017)


Wojciech Brzezicki, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Mario Cuoco

Driving Topological Phases by Spatially Inhomogeneous Pairing Centers
Physical Review B 95, 140506(R) (2017) [Rapid Communication]


A. Ptok, K. J. Kapcia, P. Piekarz, and A. M. Oles

The ab initio study of unconventional superconductivity in CeCoIn5 and FeSe
New J. Phys. 19, 063039/1-15 (2017)


W.-L. You, C.-J. Zhang, W. Ni, M. Gong, and A. M. Oles

Emergent phases in a compass chain with multi-site interactions
Phys. Rev. B 95, 224404/1-12 (2017)


K. Bieniasz, M. Berciu, and A. M. Oleś

Orbiton-Magnon Interplay in the Spin-Orbital Polarons of KCuF3 and LaMnO3
Phys. Rev. B 95, 235153/1-7 (2017)


M. Rossi, M. Retegan, C. Giacobbe, R. Fumagalli, A. Efimenko, T. Kulka,
K. Wohlfeld, A. I. Gubanov and M. Moretti Sala

Possibility to realize spin-orbit-induced correlated physics in iridium fluorides
Phys. Rev. B 95, 235161/1-6 (2017)

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Andrzej M. Oleś

Orbital Physics
in: The Physics of Correlated Insulators, Metals, and Superconductors,
edited by Eva Pavarini, E. Koch, R. Scalettar, and R. Martin,
(Forschungszentrum Julich, 2017), ISBN 978-3-95806-224-5.


S. Borroni, E. Baldini, V. M. Katukuri, A. Mann, K. Parlinski, D. Legut, C. Arrell,
F. van Mourik, J. Teyssier, A. Kozlowski, P. Piekarz, O. V. Yazyev, A. M. Oleś,
J. Lorenzana, and F. Carbone

Coherent generation of symmetry-forbidden phonons by light-induced electron-phonon interactions in magnetite
Phys. Rev. B 96, 104308 (2017)

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Ekaterina M. Pärschke, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Kateryna Foyevtsova & Jeroen van den Brink

Correlation induced electron-hole asymmetry in quasi- two-dimensional iridates
Nature Communications 8, Article number: 686 (2017)

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Y. F. Kung, C. Bazin, K. Wohlfeld, Yao Wang, C.-C. Chen, C. J. Jia, S. Johnston,
B. Moritz, F. Mila, and T. P. Devereaux

Numerically exploring the 1D-2D dimensional crossover on spin dynamics
in the doped Hubbard model

Phys. Rev. B 96, 195106 (2017)


Krzysztof Rościszewski and Andrzej M. Oleś

On the Neglect of Local Coulomb Interaction on Oxygens in Perovskites Described by the Multiband d-p Model
Acta Phys. Polon. A 133, 356 (2018)


Adolfo Avella, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Peter Horsch

Fingerprints of spin-orbital polarons and of their disorder in the photoemission spectra of doped Mott insulators with orbital degeneracy
Physical Review B 97, 155104 (2018)
