
brzezicki wPostdoc at the Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University.
Graduated from the Interdisciplinary Studies of Mathematical and Natural Sciences with specialization in theoretical physics in 2008. Finished PhD studies in 2012 and obtained the degree of doctor for the PhD thesis under the title “Ground states and excitations in spin models with orbital degrees of freedom”, awarded the prize by the Polish Physical Society. Currently works on the problem of entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of freedom in the strongly correlated electrons systems in collaboration with Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Dresden and University of Salerno. Published 14 scientific papers (including 5 in Physical Review B and 1 in Physical Review Letters) cited 97 times and presented his results at 16 international physics conferences and schools and 10 seminars at the foreign research institutions (among other Dresden, Salerno, St. Andrews, Trieste).