Maestro project:
Interdisciplinary applications of Random Matrix Theory



  • - BIRS Workshop on Analytic and Combinatorics in free non-hermitian random matrices, Banff
    Maciej A. Nowak - Entanglement of eigenvectors and eigenvalues in free non-Hermitian matrices
  • - Winter Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting, Niagara Falls
    Karol Życzkowski - Distinguishing generic quantum states
  • - Theoretical Physics seminar at the Jagiellonian University
    Maciej A. Nowak - QCD versus Random Matrices
  • - invited guest
    Giuseppa Alfano - Politecnico Di Torino
  • - invited guest
    Karol Penson - LPTMC, Université Paris VI
  • - invited guest
    Lucilla de Arcangelis - Second University of Naples
  • - 29th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, Zakopane
    Maciej A. Nowak - Products of large random matrices: old laces and new pieces
  • - Workshop "Random Product Matrices", University of Bielefeld
    Maciej A. Nowak - Products of large random matrices: old laces and new pieces
    Karol Życzkowski - Distinguishing generic quantum states and symmetrized Marchenko--Pastur distribution
  • - 17th Workshop: Noncommutative Probability: Lévy processes and operator algebras, with applications. Celebrating of Professor Marek Bożejko 70th birthday, Będlewo
    Maciej A. Nowak - Diffusion of hermitian and non-hermitian ensembles – unexpected links
    Karol Życzkowski - Average trace distance and symmetrized Marchenko-Pastur distribution
  • - Fifth meeting
    Satellite meeting to the 17th Workshop: Noncommutative Probability. Celebrating of Professor Marek Bożejko 70th birthday, Będlewo
  • - invited guest
    Dan V. Voiculescu - University of California, Berkeley
  • - Random Matrices: Eurasia 2016, University of Macau
    Maciej A. Nowak - Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion of hermitian and non-hermitian matrices – unexpected links
  • - Quantum Days, University of Nottingham, UK
    Karol Życzkowski - Distinguishing generic quantum states
  • - Workshop on Numerical Range WONRA-13, Soochow University, Taipei
    Karol Życzkowski - Joint Numerical Range of three hermitian matrices of size three
  • - 6th Warsaw School of Statistical Physics, Sandomierz, Poland
    Piotr Warchoł - (poster) Dysonian Dynamics of the Ginibre Ensemble
  • - Summer CMS Meeting, University of Edmonton, Canada
    Karol Życzkowski - Structured Hadamard matrices and quantum information
  • - University of Bristol
    Maciej A. Nowak - Random Matrix Theory and Caustics
  • - invited guest
    Pierpaolo Vivo - Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay
  • - invited guest
    Jonathan Jedwab - Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
  • - - invited guest
    Dardo Goyeneche - Universidad de Concepción
  • - Workshop "Random Matrix Theory and Strongly Correlated Systems", University of Warwick
    Maciej A. Nowak - Diffusion of characteristic polynomials and edge universality in non-hermitian random matrix models
  • - invited guest
    Jose Latorre - Barcelona
  • - Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Information, NIMS, Daejeon (Korea)
    Karol Życzkowski - Distinguishing generic quantum states


  • - Linkoeping University, Szwecja
    Maciej A. Nowak - Egzaminator w dziedzinie "Free Random Variables" na publicznej obronie dr Joanny Pielaszkiewicz
  • - invited guest
    Daniel Alsina Leal - University of Barcelona
  • - invited guest
    Uzy Smilansky - Wezmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • - Workshop on "Random Matrices, Integrable systems and Topology", Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, New York, USA
    Maciej A. Nowak - Dynamic hermitian versus non-hermitian random matrix models - unexpected links
  • - invited guest
    Tatiana A. Amor - Computational Physics IfB ETH, Zurich
  • - invited guest
    Romuald Lenczewski - Wydział Matematyki, Politechnika Wrocławska
  • - invited guest
    Mario Kieburg - Universität Bielefield
  • - Fourth meeting
    Satellite meeting to the conference: From particle physics to biological modeling: in search of beauty in nature, Kraków
  • - invited guest
    Jan Ambjorn - HET NBI, Copenhagen University, Denmark
  • - invited guest
    Dante Chialvo - Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
  • - invited guest
    Karol Penson - LPTMC, Université Paris VI
  • - Mattriad 2015, Coimbra, Portugalia
    Karol Życzkowski - Numerical shadow & restricted numerical range
  • - IV International Workshop of Complex Collective Dynamics, Brains and Beyond, Anacapri
    Maciej A. Nowak - Collective correlations of Brodmann areas from random matrix theory denoising of fMRI data
  • - Fields Institute Workshop on Quantum Tomography, Guelph, Canada
    Karol Życzkowski - Quantum states, numerical range and numerical shadow
  • - 10th International ISSAC Congress, Macau
    Maciej A. Nowak - Dysonian Dynamics in the Ginibre Ensemble
  • - Unsolved Problems in Noise (UPON 2015), Barcelona, Spain
    Maciej A. Nowak - Non-hermitian diffusion
  • - Summer school: Stochastic processes and random matrices, Les Houches, France
    J. K. Ochab, H. Nagel, W. Janke and B. Waclaw - (poster) A simple non-equilibrium, statistical-physics toy model of thin-film growth
    Wojciech Tarnowski - (poster) Diffusion on non-Hermitian matrices
    Piotr Warchoł - (poster) Hydrodynamics of the Polyakov Line in SU(Nc) Yang-Mills.
  • - 47-th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, UMK, Torun
    Karol Życzkowski - Distinguishability of generic quantum states
  • - 7-th Workshop on quantum chaos and localization, IF PAN, Warsaw
    Karol Życzkowski - Quantum chaos in composite systems and generic mixed states
  • - invited guest
    Jose Miguel Rubi - Universitat de Barcelona
  • - From Geometry and Chaos to Quantum Information and Neurobiology, IF PAN, Warsaw
    Karol Życzkowski - Extreme value statistics for random unitary matrices and quantum entanglement
  • - invited guest
    Dante Chialvo - Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
  • - Conference on Quantum Chaos, Luchon, France
    Karol Życzkowski - Some spectral properties of quantum systems
  • - invited guest
    Alexandru Nica - Pure Mathematics Department, University of Waterloo, Canada


  • - Workshop on Random Matrices, Brunel University, London
    Karol Życzkowski - Random density matrices and convolutions of Marchenko--Pastur distribution
  • - invited guest
    Pedro Walter Lamberti - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Ciudad Universitaria, Córdoba, Argentina
  • - Applications of Random Matrix Theory and Statistical Physics in Communications and Networks, Henri Poincarè Institute, Paris
    Maciej A. Nowak - Spectral shock waves in hermitian and non-hermitian dynamic random matrix models
  • - ISF Workshop "Nonhermitian Random matrices: 50 years after Ginibre", Yad Hashmona, Judean Hills, Israel
    Maciej A. Nowak - Dysonian Dynamics in the Ginibre ensemble
    Karol Życzkowski - Numerical range of Ginibre matrices and Dvoretzky theorem
    Piotr Warchoł - (poster) Diffusing matrices, associated Burgers-like equations and spectral shock waves
  • - 27th Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, Zakopane
    Maciej A. Nowak - Random matrix theory as a theory of probability
  • - invited guest
    Fernando Oliveira - Instituto de Fisica e Centro Internacional de Fisica da materia condensada, Universidade de Brasilia
  • - invited guest
    Piotr Sułkowski - Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • - School on Random Geometry and Random Matrices, ICTP and SAIFR Sao Paolo, Brasil
    Zdzisław Burda - Cykl wykładów Products of random matrices and their applications
  • - invited guest
    Mannque Rho - Paris, France
  • - invited guest
    Robin Hudson - Loughborough University
  • - invited guest
    Hiai Fumio - Tohoku University
  • - invited guest
    Marie Choda - Osaka Kyoiku University
  • - invited guest
    Konstantin Zarembo - Nordita, Stockholm
  • - invited guest
    Yang Chen - University of Macau
  • - invited guest
    Leonid Pastur - ILTPE, Kharkov
  • - invited guest
    Piotr Sułkowski - Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • - invited guest
    Romuald Lenczewski - Wroclaw University of Technology
  • - invited guest
    Jean-Paul Blaizot - CEA, Saclay
  • - Third meeting
    The conference: Random Matrix Theory: Foundations and Applications, Kraków, Poland
  • - invited guest
    Jinho Baik - University of Michigan
  • - invited guest
    Yan Fyodorov - Queen Mary University of London
  • - invited guest
    Ion Nechita - University of Toulouse
  • - invited guest
    Karol Penson - LPTMC, Université Paris VI
  • - invited guest
    Mario Kieburg - Universität Bielefield
  • - invited guest
    Oleg Zaboronski - University of Warwick
  • - invited guest
    Roland Speicher - Saarland University, Saarbruecken
  • - invited guest
    Arno Kuijlaars - KU Leuven
  • - invited guest
    Wojciech Młotkowski - University of Wrocław
  • - invited guest
    Satya Majumdar - Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay
  • - invited guest
    Nicholas Witte - University of Melbourne
  • - invited guest
    Jacobus Verbaarschot - State University of New York
  • - invited guest
    Gernot Akemann - Universität Bielefield
  • - invited guest
    Jiun-Chau Wang - University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
  • - invited guest
    Reimer Kühn - King's College London
  • - invited guest
    Arup Bose - Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
  • - invited guest
    Thomas Guhr - University of Duisburg-Essen
  • - invited guest
    Seung-Yeop Lee - University of South Florida
  • - invited guest
    Gregory Schehr - Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay
  • - invited guest
    Pierpaolo Vivo - Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay
  • - invited guest
    Jamal Najim - Université de Marne La Vallée
  • - invited guest
    Arijit Chakrabarty - Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi
  • - invited guest
    Kevin Bedell - Boston College
  • - Conference CHAOS2014, Lisbon
    Maciej A. Nowak - Burgers equation and spectra shock waves in dynamic random matrix theories
  • - invited guest
    Alexy Rastegin - Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
  • - 6th School on Mathematical Physics, La Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
    Zdzisław Burda - Cykl wykładów Macroscopic Eigenvalue Statistics of Random Matrices
  • - invited guest
    Erik Aurell - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • - SFB/TR12 Workshop "Physics of mescoscopic condensed matter", Langeoog, Germany
    Zdzisław Burda - Spectral properties of products of random matrices
  • - Sydney Random Matrix Theory Workshop 2014, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney, Australia
    Maciej A. Nowak - Spectral shock waves in dynamic random matrix theories


  • - invited guest
    Dante Chialvo - Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
  • - Workshop on Random Matrices and Growth Models, 9-13/09/2013, ICTP Trieste, Italy
    Zdzisław Burda - Products of free non-Hermitian random matrices
  • - Second meeting
    Satellite meeting to the 26th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics: Complexity of Brain - Critical Behavior and Scaling, Kraków, Poland
  • - National University Singapore
    Karol Życzkowski - Majorization Entropic Uncertainty Relations
  • - University of Melbourne, Australia
    Karol Życzkowski - Induced Ginibre Ensemble and random operations
  • - Randomness in Physics and Mathematics - From Quantum Chaos to Free Probability, ZiF Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Niemcy
    Jacek Grela - poster "Diffusion in the space of complex hermitian matrices"
  • - Conference "Inference, Computation, and Spin Glasses (ICSG2013)", Sapporo, Japan
    Zdzisław Burda - Products of large non-Hermitian random matrices
  • - Workshop "Stochastics and Real World Models", ZIF, Bielefeld, Germany
    Zdzisław Burda - Signal and noise in financial correlation matrices
  • - Workshop on Combinatorial and Random Matrix Aspects of Noncommutative Distributions and Free Probability, Fields Instititute, Toronto, Kanada
    Maciej A. Nowak - Spectral shock waves in dynamic random matrix theories
  • - Focus Program on Noncommutative Distributions in Free Probability Theory, Fields Instititute, Toronto, Kanada
    Jacek Grela - talk "Diffusion in the space of complex hermitian matrices"
  • - 45-Symposium on Mathematical Physics, UMK, Toruń
    Karol Życzkowski - talk: Majorization uncertainty relations
  • - invited guest
    Karina Weron, Aleksader Weron - Politechnika Wrocławska
  • - invited guest
    Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad - Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
  • - invited guest
    Bartłomiej Wacław - University of Edinburgh
  • - invited guest
    Olga Valba - LPTMS University Paris Sud II
  • - invited guest
    Anna Ochab-Marcinek - Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • - invited guest
    Jamie Luo - University of Exeter
  • - invited guest
    Peter Kolski - Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute Universität Potsdam
  • - invited guest
    Ekaterina Roberts - IMMB King's College London
  • - 38th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO38), ICTP Trieste, Italy
    Zdzisław Burda - Interdisciplinary Applications of Random Matrix Theory
  • - Workshop on Quantum Tomography, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
    Karol Życzkowski - Measurements on Random States & Numerical Shadow
  • - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
    Karol Życzkowski - Walking through mathematics relevant for quantum information: A personal view
  • - Humboldt University, Berlin
    Maciej A. Nowak - Spectral shock waves and Burgers turbulence in random matrix models


  • - VIII Brunel-Bielefeld Workshop on Random Matrix Theory, London, UK
    Zdzisław Burda - Universal microscopic correlation functions for products of independent Ginibre matrices
  • - Institute of Mathematics, Wroclaw University
    Maciej A. Nowak - Burgulence in random matrix models
  • - UMK Toruń
    Karol Życzkowski - Zbieżność do równowagi w kwantowych układach otwartych
  • - SISSA, Trieste, Italy
    Karol Życzkowski - Induced Ginibre Ensemble and random operations
  • - Seminarium CFT PAN
    Karol Życzkowski - Entropowe relacje nieoznaczoności dla operacji kwantowych
  • - invited guest
    Giacomo Livan - Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste
  • - invited guest
    Pierpaolo Vivo - Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay
  • - Random matrices and their applications, Telecom ParisTech, Paris
    Maciej A. Nowak - Spectral shock waves in dynamic random matrix theories
  • - 15th Workshop: Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis, Random Matrices, representation theory and free probability, with applications. IM PAN, Będlewo, Poland
    Zdzisław Burda - Universal microscopic correlation functions for products of independent Ginibre matrices
    Maciej A. Nowak - Spectral shock waves in dynamical random matrix models
    Karol Życzkowski - Numerical shadow, numerical range and random matrices
  • - Kick-off meeting
    Satellite meeting to the 15th Workshop: Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis, Random Matrices, representation theory and free probability, with applications. IM PAN, Będlewo, Poland
  • - XXIX International Conference: Group Theory in Mathematical Physics: Chern Institute, Tianjin, Chiny
    Karol Życzkowski - Almost Hadamard and Complex Hadamard matrices
  • - Institute de Physiqué Theorique, CE Saclay
    Maciej A. Nowak - New addition and multiplication laws for large random matrices
  • - Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore
    Maciej A. Nowak - Spectral multiplication law for strictly non-hermitian random matrix models
  • - 12-Workshop on numerical range, Kuokshiung, Taiwan
    Karol Życzkowski - Numerical range and numerical shadow
  • - invited guest
    Ismail Zahed - Stony Brook USA
  • - Kolokwium w Instytucie Matematyki, Uniwersytet Gdański
    Karol Życzkowski - Ruchem konika szachowego przez Królową Nauk: Które działy matematyki interesują fizyka?
  • - Workshop "Probabilistic methods in Quantum Theory", Lyon
    Karol Życzkowski - Probabilistic approach to quantum states: Numerical shadow of an operator
  • - Seminarium Zakładu Cząstek, IF UJ
    Karol Życzkowski - Łamanie symetrii CP z punktu widzenia matematyka


  • - Wydział Matematyki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskieg
    Karol Życzkowski - Losowe stany kwantowe oraz rozkłady Fussa-Catalana
  • - Uniwersytet w Salerno, Włochy
    Karol Życzkowski - Quantifying quantum entanglement
  • - Seminarium w Instytucie Fizyki UMK, Toruń
    Karol Życzkowski - Cień numeryczny a Geometria kwantowego splatania