Enter ANY numeric in the first box to identify or approximate.
= =
Time taken:
Try: mathematical constants, elementary numbers, physical constants, dates, phone numbers etc.
Search use the "standard" 36-button scientific RPN calculator. Usually, you enter formula, and get result. Here it works in opposite way: you enter result, and formula comes out.
Imagine famous gedeanken experiment by Stanisław Lem, where room full of apes (or penguins) is randomly pressing all possible button combinations until desired result is found. Only, the calculator is not real, but virtual, there are no apes, but CPU's, and order is not random, but sequential, with progressively increased sequence length.
Enter any real number to find out, if some sequence of the above buttons could re-discover it. Use floating-point format, e.g:
User now can use slider to change default code length of 5, with runtime of roughly 1 second. Every step up increase search time 36x, so be patient. Search is performed using single thread and real numbers. To use longer sequences, custom calculators, complex numbers, recognition of functions and massively multi-threaded search, try experimental parallel version, see native C code on GitHub or contact author at andrzej.odrzywolek@uj.edu.pl. ENJOY!
UPDATED: 2024-09-03 10:27