Numerical Methods

Lecture 8: Time series analysis

by: Tomasz Romańczukiewicz


  • Statistical analysis (Risk measure, risk at value)
  • Stationarity, periodicity
  • Fast Fourier Transform, spectrograms
  • Wavelet transform
  • Forcasting and fortuntelling
In [152]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline  
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10,5]
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True
import quandl as qdl
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
In [153]:
#warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
data = qdl.get("WSE/WIG30")
In [154]:
Wig_on_high = data['High']
Low, High = np.min(Wig_on_high.array), np.max(Wig_on_high.array)
print(Low, High)
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
smoothed =  gaussian_kde(Wig_on_high.array) # create an object containing the data
val = np.linspace(Low-100, High+100, 1000)
plt.hist(Wig_on_high, bins=np.linspace(Low, High, 40), density='True', label='generated dist.', facecolor='green', alpha=0.25, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2)
smoothed_val = smoothed(val) 
plt.plot(val, smoothed_val)
1997.93 3041.25

Value at Risk ($VaR_\alpha$):

Value below which there is $\alpha$ data out of the whole data.

$$VaR_\alpha: \int_0^{VaR_\alpha} \rho(x)dx = \alpha$$

where $\rho(x)$ is a distribution. For normal distribution

$$VaR_\alpha={\displaystyle \mu +\sigma {\sqrt {2}}\operatorname {erf} ^{-1}(2\alpha-1)}$$
In [155]:
normalization  = np.sum(smoothed_val)
y = smoothed_val/(normalization)
cum_y = np.cumsum(y)
plt.plot(val, cum_y)
plt.plot(val, y/np.max(y))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f05543535f8>]
In [8]:
level = 10/100
risk = len(val[cum_y<level]) # index of level risk
VaR = val[risk]              # value at risk
print(f"VaR({level*100:.1f}%) = {VaR:.2f}")
VaR(10.0%) = 2358.42
In [156]:
plt.plot(val, cum_y)
plt.plot(val, y/np.max(y))
plt.fill_between(val[0:risk], 0, y[0:risk]/np.max(y), color='red', alpha = 0.20)
plt.plot(val[0:risk], y[0:risk]/np.max(y), 'r')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0554296be0>]


  • Write a function calulating VaR directly from the given data
  • Calculate VaR direcly from the bins from the histogram. Write a function which iteratively adjusts number and bin positions for given $\alpha$

  • Calculate the daily VaR rom WIG data (use histogram for daily relative differences $\displaystyle \frac{y_{t}-y_{t-1}}{y_{t-1}}$.

  • Write a function calculating VaR for distribution given by analytic function (use quad to integrate and fsolve to solve appropriate equation).

Time series:

  • periodic (use FFT)
  • stationary (constant mean and variance)
  • seasonal
  • autocorrelated

Time series analysis:

Fourier transform:

$${\displaystyle X_{k}=F_k(X_0, X_1, X_2\ldots)=\sum _{n=0}^{N-1}x_{n}e^{-2\pi ikn/N}\qquad k=0,\ldots ,N-1,}$$

which can be computed in $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ calculations but

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT):

$${\begin{matrix}X_{k}&=&\sum \limits _{m=0}^{N/2-1}x_{2m}e^{-{\frac {2\pi i}{N}}(2m)k}+\sum \limits _{m=0}^{N/2-1}x_{2m+1}e^{-{\frac {2\pi i}{N}}(2m+1)k}\end{matrix}} = F_k(X_0, X_2,\ldots)+e^{-2\pi ik/N}F_k(X_1, X_3,\ldots)$$

But also

$${\begin{matrix}X_{k+N/2}&=&\sum \limits _{m=0}^{N/2-1}x_{2m}e^{-{\frac {2\pi i}{N}}(2m)k}+\sum \limits _{m=0}^{N/2-1}x_{2m+1}e^{-{\frac {2\pi i}{N}}(2m+1)k}\end{matrix}} = F_k(X_0, X_2,\ldots)-e^{-2\pi ik/N}F_k(X_1, X_3,\ldots)$$

Instead of 2 sums over $N$ variables we need to calculate two sums over $N/2$ vars.

It can be done recursively reducing complexity $\mathcal{O}(N^2)\to\mathcal{O}(N\log_2N)$

There are algorithms which are generalized but works best for $2^n3^m5^k$

In [272]:
def power_spectrum(signal, T):
    N = len(signal)
    fft = np.fft.rfft(signal)
    power_spect = np.abs(fft)*2/N
    power_spect[0] /= 2
    fft_freqs = np.linspace(0, np.pi/(t[1]-t[0]), len(power_spect), endpoint=False)
    return fft_freqs, power_spect
N = 1001
T = 2*np.pi
t = np.linspace(0, T, N, endpoint=True)
y=np.empty([N, 4])
y[:,0]= 1+np.sin(10*t)+0.5*np.cos(20*t)
y[:,1] = np.cos(30.5*t)
y[:,2] = np.cos(40*t)*np.exp(-0.5*t)
y[:, 3] = np.cos(1005*t)
y_fft = np.empty([N//2+1, 4])
for n in range(4):
    freqs, y_fft[:,n] =  power_spectrum(y[:,n], T)    
In [159]:
for n in range(4):
    freqs, y_fft[:,n] =  power_spectrum(y[:,n], T)    
    plt.fill_between(freqs, y_fft[:,n], step="mid", alpha=0.2, color='C'+str(n))
    plt.step(freqs, y_fft[:,n], where='mid', color='C'+str(n))

plt.xlim(0, 50)
#plt.step(fft_freqs, power_spectrum, where='mid', color='black')
plt.legend(['matching', 'inacurate', 'damped', 'aliased'])

For $x_n=\exp(2\pi ik'n/N)$ we obtain:

$$X_{k}=\sum _{n=0}^{N-1}\exp\left[\frac{2\pi i(k'-k)n}{N}\right]=\sum _{n=0}^{N-1}q^n=\frac{1-q^N}{1-q}$$
  • If $k'\in \mathbb{N}$ then $q^N=1$ and $X_k=\delta_{kk'}$

  • if $k'\notin \mathbb{N}$ then $\displaystyle |X_k|\sim \frac{1}{k-k'}$

  • if $k'>N$ than $x_n$ is aliased $k'\to k'\mod{N}$

For better visual properties sometimes the data are multiplied by a window

$$x_n\to w_nx_n$$

The most popular windows are:

  • Rectangular window (boxcar)
  • Triangular window
  • Parzen window (4th order Bspline)
  • Welsch window (parabola)
  • Gaussian window
  • Supergaussian window
  • Hamming window
In [160]:
import scipy.signal as sg
N = 1000

n = np.arange(N)
for k, window in enumerate([sg.blackman, sg.triang, sg.parzen, sg.hamming]):
    plt.subplot(2, 2, k+1)    
    plt.plot(n, window(N), label=window.__name__, color='C'+str(k))
In [162]:
Y = np.cos(100.5*t)+np.sin(200.1632546*t)+np.sin(300*t)
freqs, Y_fft =  power_spectrum(Y, T)  
window = sg.blackman(Y.size)
Yw = Y*window
freqs, Yw_fft =  power_spectrum(Yw, T)  
plt.semilogy(freqs, Y_fft)
plt.semilogy(freqs, Yw_fft)
plt.legend(['pure FFT', 'FFT through a window'])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0555dc2710>
In [268]:
from scipy.stats import norm
def brownian_motion(σ=2, T=10, N=1000):
    t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
    dt = t[1]-t[0]

    r = norm.rvs(size=t.shape, scale=σ**2*dt)
    x = np.cumsum(r)  # used cumulative sum instead of loop
    return x

M = 10000
brown = brownian_motion(N=M)
s = np.arange(M)
plt.plot(s, brown)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f053ab795f8>]
In [271]:
freqs, brown_fft =  power_spectrum(brown, T) 
plt.loglog(freqs[2:], brown_fft[2:], 'brown')
a=plt.loglog(freqs[2:], 2e-1/freqs[2:], 'green')


* Check if WIG is a brownian motion.

Frequency filters: can smooth out the data.

  • We make FFT than
  • Certain range of frequencies can be set to 0 (for example high)
  • Some windows can be used both on the data and on the spectrum
  • Than we make inverse FFT to obtained filtered data.
  • For better performence sigma-approximation can be used instead(reduces Gibbs phenomenon)
$${\displaystyle s(\theta )={\frac {1}{2}}a_{0}+\sum _{k=1}^{m-1}\operatorname {sinc} {\frac {k}{m}}\cdot c_{k}\exp \left({\frac {2\pi i k}{T}}\theta \right)}$$
In [165]:
a = plt.plot(Wig_on_high, 'b', lw = 0.8)
fft = np.fft.rfft(Wig_on_high)
fft[20:] = 0 # we leave only first 20 frequencies - low frequency filter
ifft = np.fft.irfft(fft)
a = plt.plot(Wig_on_high.index, ifft, 'r')
In [166]:
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10000)
sig = np.sin(100*t*(1+t*t)) + np.cos(2000*t*(1+0.1*np.sin(t)))
powerSpectrum, freqenciesFound, time, imageAxis = plt.specgram(sig, Fs=10000, noverlap=128)
In [167]:
# Better frequency resolution
powerSpectrum, freqenciesFound, time, imageAxis = plt.specgram(sig, Fs=10000, noverlap=128, NFFT=1024)
In [168]:
# Better time resolution
powerSpectrum, freqenciesFound, time, imageAxis = plt.specgram(sig, Fs=10000, noverlap=16, NFFT=32)

Problems with FFT

  • Bad for non-periodic data (alternative: Chebyshev polynomials, wavelet transform)
  • Limitations on resolution $\Delta T\Delta\omega\geq 2\pi$ (similar to Heisenberg uncertainty principle) very bad for music recognition especially for fast low key music.
In [169]:
plt.plot(Wig_on_high, 'b') 
plt.legend(['non stationary'])
plt.plot(Wig_on_high.index[1:], np.diff(Wig_on_high.array), 'r')
plt.legend(['~ stationary'])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0554164be0>

Other types of analysis

Smoothing - better to see the trends

  • Simple moving average (window size = $M$)

    $$Y_i = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{j=i-M}^i X_j$$

  • More general weighted averages

    $$Y_i = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{j=i-M}^i w_jX_j$$

    with different types of windows (gaussian, triangular, Parzen, triangular etc)

  • Exponential smoothing

    $$Y_i = \alpha X_i+(1-\alpha)Y_{i-1}$$

In [230]:
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error

def plot_moving_average(series, window, plot_intervals=False, scale=1.96):

    rolling_mean = series.rolling(window=window).mean()
    plt.title('Moving average\n window size = {}'.format(window))
    plt.plot(rolling_mean, 'g', label='Rolling mean trend')
    #Plot confidence intervals for smoothed values
    if plot_intervals:
        mae = mean_absolute_error(series[window:], rolling_mean[window:])
        deviation = np.std(series[window:] - rolling_mean[window:])
        lower_bound = rolling_mean - (mae + scale * deviation)
        upper_bound = rolling_mean + (mae + scale * deviation)
        plt.plot(upper_bound, 'r--', label='Upper bound / Lower bound')
        plt.plot(lower_bound, 'r--')
    plt.plot(series[window:], label='Actual values')
In [232]:
plot_moving_average(data.High, 30)
In [233]:
plot_moving_average(data.High, 90, plot_intervals=True)
In [234]:
### Tripple crossover method
def tripple_crossover_plot(series):    
    r20 = series.rolling(window=20, center=False).mean()
    r50 = series.rolling(window=50, center=False).mean()
    r200 = series.rolling(window=200, center=False).mean()
    plt.plot(series, 'black', lw=0.8)
    plt.plot(r20); plt.plot(r50); plt.plot(r200)
    plt.legend(['real data', '20 day SMA', '50 day SMA', '200 day SMA'])
In [235]:


  • Find points when 20-day SMA crosses with 50-day SMA
  • cross from below - buy signal
  • cross from above - sell signal
  • check if the crossing point is above 200-day SMA (than accept)
  • if below - reject
In [273]:
import pandas as pd
plt.plot(Wig_on_high, 'b', linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.5)
y1 = pd.DataFrame.rolling(Wig_on_high, window=30, center=True).mean()
y2 = pd.DataFrame.rolling(Wig_on_high, window=60, center=True, win_type='triang').mean()
plt.plot(y1, 'r')
plt.plot(y2, 'g')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f053b6f59e8>]
In [275]:
exp1 = Wig_on_high.ewm(span=20, adjust=False).mean()
exp2 = Wig_on_high.ewm(span=50, adjust=False).mean()
plt.plot(Wig_on_high, 'b', linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5)
a= plt.legend(['real', '20-day', '50-day'])


$${\displaystyle \operatorname {R} _{XX}(t_{1},t_{2})=\operatorname {E} [X_{t_{1}}{\overline {X_{t_{2}}}}]}$$

Continuous version: $${\displaystyle R_{ff}(\tau )=\int _{-\infty }^{\infty }f(t+\tau ){\overline {f(t)}}\,{\rm {d}}t=\int _{-\infty }^{\infty }f(t){\overline {f(t-\tau )}}\,{\rm {d}}t}$$

  • can identify (even short-term) periodicity/seasonality,
  • in music can identify beats
  • characterises spatial distributions
In [227]:
from import plot_acf
def auto_example1():
    Y = np.cos(4*t)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2.5))
    a = plt.plot(t,Y)    
    plot_acf(Y, lags=Y.size-1, ax=ax)
In [228]:
In [236]:
# nonstationary process 
a = plot_acf(Wig_on_high, lags=Wig_on_high.size-1)
In [240]:
# stationary process
y = np.diff(Wig_on_high)
a = plot_acf(y, lags=y.size-1) 

Dickey–Fuller test

Let us consider a model: $y_{t}=\rho y_{t-1}+u_{t}\,$ where $\rho$ is a certain constant and $u_t$ is a random variable. The model generates a non-stationary series if $\rho=1$ (there exists a s unit root)
Test for unit root:

$${\displaystyle \Delta y_{t}=\delta y_{t-1}+u_{t}\,}, \text{ where }\Delta y_t=y_t-y_{t-1}, \delta=\rho-1$$

Augmented Dickey–Fuller test $$\Delta y_t = \alpha + \beta t + \gamma y_{t-1} + \delta_1 \Delta y_{t-1} + \cdots + \delta_{p-1} \Delta y_{t-p+1} + u_t, $$

In [244]:
import statsmodels
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
Help on function adfuller in module statsmodels.tsa.stattools:

adfuller(x, maxlag=None, regression='c', autolag='AIC', store=False, regresults=False)
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test
    The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test can be used to test for a unit root in a
    univariate process in the presence of serial correlation.
    x : array_like, 1d
        data series
    maxlag : int
        Maximum lag which is included in test, default 12*(nobs/100)^{1/4}
    regression : {'c','ct','ctt','nc'}
        Constant and trend order to include in regression
        * 'c' : constant only (default)
        * 'ct' : constant and trend
        * 'ctt' : constant, and linear and quadratic trend
        * 'nc' : no constant, no trend
    autolag : {'AIC', 'BIC', 't-stat', None}
        * if None, then maxlag lags are used
        * if 'AIC' (default) or 'BIC', then the number of lags is chosen
          to minimize the corresponding information criterion
        * 't-stat' based choice of maxlag.  Starts with maxlag and drops a
          lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant
          using a 5%-sized test
    store : bool
        If True, then a result instance is returned additionally to
        the adf statistic. Default is False
    regresults : bool, optional
        If True, the full regression results are returned. Default is False
    adf : float
        Test statistic
    pvalue : float
        MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994, 2010)
    usedlag : int
        Number of lags used
    nobs : int
        Number of observations used for the ADF regression and calculation of
        the critical values
    critical values : dict
        Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 %
        levels. Based on MacKinnon (2010)
    icbest : float
        The maximized information criterion if autolag is not None.
    resstore : ResultStore, optional
        A dummy class with results attached as attributes
    The null hypothesis of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller is that there is a unit
    root, with the alternative that there is no unit root. If the pvalue is
    above a critical size, then we cannot reject that there is a unit root.
    The p-values are obtained through regression surface approximation from
    MacKinnon 1994, but using the updated 2010 tables. If the p-value is close
    to significant, then the critical values should be used to judge whether
    to reject the null.
    The autolag option and maxlag for it are described in Greene.
    See example notebook
    .. [*] W. Green.  "Econometric Analysis," 5th ed., Pearson, 2003.
    .. [*] Hamilton, J.D.  "Time Series Analysis".  Princeton, 1994.
    .. [*] MacKinnon, J.G. 1994.  "Approximate asymptotic distribution functions for
        unit-root and cointegration tests.  `Journal of Business and Economic
        Statistics` 12, 167-76.
    .. [*] MacKinnon, J.G. 2010. "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests."  Queen's
        University, Dept of Economics, Working Papers.  Available at

In [276]:
res = adfuller(Wig_on_high)
if res[1]>0.05:
    print("The series is not stationary") # we cannot reject that there is a unit root
    print("The series is stationary")
(-2.787517907694647, 0.06007898539491691, 1, 784, {'1%': -3.4387184182983686, '5%': -2.865233578638179, '10%': -2.5687368149338816}, 6876.424718535679)
The series is not stationary
In [264]:
res = adfuller(np.diff(Wig_on_high))
if res[1]>0.05:
    print("The series is not stationary") # we cannot reject that there is a unit root
    print("The series is stationary")    
(-24.541339810293543, 0.0, 0, 784, {'1%': -3.4387184182983686, '5%': -2.865233578638179, '10%': -2.5687368149338816}, 6873.830259980225)
The series is stationary


  1. Write a function calulating VaR directly from the given data
  2. Calculate VaR direcly from the bins from the histogram. Write a function which iteratively adjusts number and bin positions for given $\alpha$

  3. Calculate the daily VaR rom WIG data (use histogram for daily relative differences $\displaystyle \frac{y_{t}-y_{t-1}}{y_{t-1}}$.

  4. Write a function calculating VaR for distribution given by analytic function (use quad to integrate and fsolve to solve appropriate equation).

  5. Check if WIG is a brownian motion.

  1. Write a function implementing a tripple crossover method allowing different windows and automatically indentifying buy and sell signals.