Numerical Methods

Lecture 5: Ordinary Differential Equations

by: Tomasz Romańczukiewicz


  • Explicit or implicit
  • Higher order methods
  • Stability and stiffness
  • Other methods (symplectic, split step)
  • Two point value problem
In [4]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline  
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8,4]
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True

Ordinary Differential Equations

  • Very important in phisics (both ODEs and PDEs)
    • classical mechanics
    • quantum mechanics
    • field theory, gravity, fluid synamics, solids etc ...
  • Directly not very very important in finance, but
    • stochastic ODEs (ODE + volatility)
    • method of lines for diffusion (Black Scholes equation)
    • difference equations used instead (time is descritized)

Two types of basic problems:

$$\vec y'=\vec F(t, \vec y), \qquad t\in \mathbb{R}, \qquad \vec y, \vec F\in \mathbb{R}^N$$
  • Initial value problem (IVP) $\vec y(t_0)=\vec t_0$
    • existence and uniqueness theorem (Lipschitz condition)
    • well tested methods
  • Two point value problem (TPVP) $G_1(t_1, \vec y)=0$ and $G_2(t_2, \vec y)=0$
    • not guaranteed that the the solution exists nor it is unique
    • difficult problems
    • shooting methods
    • algebraic equations


Consider a two point value problem (second order equation can be rewritten as a set of two first order equations) $\vec y = (u, u')^T$,

$$u''+u=0\qquad u(0)=1, u(L)=b$$


$$u(t)=A\cos x+B\sin x\qquad A=1,\;\;\cos L+B\sin L=b$$
  • if $L=n\pi$ and $b=1$ then $B$ is arbitrary
  • if $L=n\pi$ and $b\neq 1$ then problem does not have a solution
  • otherwise $$u(x)=\cos x+\frac{b-\cos L}{\sin L}\sin x$$

However, the IVP has always a unique solution

$$u(0)=a, u'(0)=b \qquad\Rightarrow\qquad u(x) = a\cos x + b\sin x$$

If $F(x,\vec y)$ is smooth and has smooth derivatives $\partial F/\partial \vec y$ in a certain vicinity of $x_0$ there exists a neighborhood in which the solution to the IVP $\vec y'=F(x, \vec y)$ $\vec y(x_0)=\vec y_0$ exists and is unique.

Initial value problem

Euler method

Consider differentiation scheme for an equation $y'(t) = F(t,y)$, $t_n=nh$:

$$y'_n=\frac{y_{n+1}-y_n}{h} + \mathcal{O}(h)$$

from this you can express $y_{n+1}$ in terms of $y_n$:

$$y_{n+1} = y_n+ hF(t_n, y_n)$$

This is an explicit Euler methods

But one can also do this

$$y'_{n+1}=\frac{y_{n+1}-y_n}{h} + \mathcal{O}(h)$$

and this gives

$$y_{n+1} = y_n+ hF(t_\color{red}{n+1}, \color{red}{y_{n+1}})$$

which is an equation for $y_{n+1}$. It is called implicit Euler method.


Consider $y'= -y$ with a condition gives $y(t)=y(0)e^{-t}$
explicit method gives simply

$$y_{n+1} = (1-h)y_{n} = (1-h)^{n+1}y_0$$

Implicit method gives $$y_{n+1} = y_{n} - hy_{n+1} \Rightarrow y_{n+1} = \frac{y_n}{1+h}=\frac{y_0}{(1+h)^{n+1}}$$

In [2]:
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 20)
h = t[1]-t[0]
y_ex = np.empty(t.size)
y_im = np.empty(t.size)
y_ex[0] = y_im[0]  = 1 # initial conditions

for n, T in enumerate(t[:-1]):
    y_ex[n+1] = y_ex[n] + h *(-y_ex[n])
    y_im[n+1] = y_im[n]/(1 + h)
In [5]:
plt.plot(t, y_ex, '-+', label='Explicit method')
plt.plot(t, y_im, '-o', label='Implicit method')
plt.plot(t, np.exp(-t), label='Exact solution')

Higher order methods

  • One step (Runge-Kutta type) methods
    • a single step consists of smaller, intermediate steps,
    • each step is independent from previous steps
    • easy to adjust step size (very important)
  • Multistep
    • a few previous steps must be known
    • initiation problems (usually with RK)
    • usually faster than RK
    • more difficult to change step size
$$y'\left(t+\frac{h}{2}\right) \approx \frac{y(t+h) - y(t)}{h}+\mathcal{O}(h^2) $$


$$y(t+h) = y(t) + F\left(t+\frac{h}{2}, \color{red}{y\left(t+\frac{h}{2}\right)}\right) $$

But we still don't know $y(t+h/2)$

  • explicitly: $y(t+h/2)\approx y(t) + h/2\,F(t, y(t))$
  • implicitly: $y(t+h/2)\approx \bigl(y(t)+y(t+h)\bigr)h/2$
  • Explicit midpoint rule $$\begin{align}k &= y_n+\frac h2 F(t_n,y_n)\\ y_{n+1} &= y_n + h F\left(t_n+\frac h2, k\right)\end{align}$$
  • Implicit midpoint rule $$\begin{align}k&=f\left(t_n+\frac h2,y_n+\frac h2 k\right) \\y_{n+1}&=y_n+h\,k\end{align}$$

Local error $\mathcal{O}(h^3)$, total error $\mathcal{O}(h^2)$

This was the simplies examples of the Runge Kutta method. Most popular method is explicit RK4: $${\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}k_{1}&=h\ F(t_{n},y_{n}),\\k_{2}&=h\ F\left(t_{n}+{\frac {h}{2}},y_{n}+{\frac {k_{1}}{2}}\right),\\k_{3}&=h\ F\left(t_{n}+{\frac {h}{2}},y_{n}+{\frac {k_{2}}{2}}\right),\\k_{4}&=h\ F\left(t_{n}+h,y_{n}+k_{3}\right).\end{aligned}}}$$

$${\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}y_{n+1}&=y_{n}+{\tfrac {1}{6}}\left(k_{1}+2k_{2}+2k_{3}+k_{4}\right),\\t_{n+1}&=t_{n}+h\\\end{aligned}}}$$
  • Total error of RK4 is $\mathcal{O}(h^4)$.
  • However it is enough to make one more substep to have RK5 with error $\mathcal{O}(h^5)$
  • From five steps we can have two approximations $\mathcal{O}(h^4)$ and $\mathcal{O}(h^5)$ so we can
    • find even higher approximation
    • control error (usually denoted as RK45 method)
    • if local error is larger than a bound the step size is decreased
    • RK method approximate solution with high order polynomial (dense output)

Multistep methods

Explicit (Adams–Moulton methods)

$${\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}y_{n+2}&=y_{n+1}+h\left({\frac {5}{12}}F(t_{n+2},y_{n+2})+{\frac {2}{3}}F(t_{n+1},y_{n+1})-{\frac {1}{12}}F(t_{n},y_{n})\right),\\ y_{n+3}&=y_{n+2}+h\left({\frac {9}{24}}F(t_{n+3},y_{n+3})+{\frac {19}{24}}F(t_{n+2},y_{n+2})-{\frac {5}{24}}F(t_{n+1},y_{n+1})+{\frac {1}{24}}F(t_{n},y_{n})\right).\end{aligned}}}$$

More useful for solving PDE with fixed step

Implicit (Adams–Bashforth method)

$${\displaystyle {\begin{aligned} y_{n+2}&=y_{n+1}+h\left({\frac {3}{2}}F(t_{n+1},y_{n+1})-{\frac {1}{2}}F(t_{n},y_{n})\right),\\ y_{n+3}&=y_{n+2}+h\left({\frac {23}{12}}F(t_{n+2},y_{n+2})-{\frac {16}{12}}F(t_{n+1},y_{n+1})+{\frac {5}{12}}F(t_{n},y_{n})\right),\\ \end{aligned}}}$$

Implicit Gear methods (for heavy duty)

$${\displaystyle y_{n+2}-{\frac {4}{3}}y_{n+1}+{\frac {1}{3}}y_{n}={\frac {2}{3}}hF(t_{n+2},y_{n+2})}$$$$ y_{n+3} - \frac{18}{11} y_{n+2} + \frac9{11} y_{n+1} - \frac2{11} y_n = \frac6{11} h F(t_{n+3}, y_{n+3}) $$

Most universal solver: LSODE (Livermore Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations):

  • adaptive step
  • chooses methods
  • Adams methods (predictor (Adams-Moulton) - corrector (Adams-Bashforth)) for non-stiff
  • Gear methods (implicit backward diff)
  • for implicit methods jacobian is used (for multidimentional Newton method)


When solving equation $y'=F(y)$ we can expand $F$ in a Taylor series

$$y'=F(y_n) + (y-y_n) F'(y_n) +\ldots$$

Since $y'_n=F(y_n)$, we can linearize the equation by introducing $\tilde y=y-y_n$

$$ \tilde y'=F'(y_n) \tilde y$$

For simplicity we drop $\tilde{}$ from now on.

The method is absolutely stable if for equation $y'=\lambda y$ the solution tends to 0: $y_n\to 0$ as $n\to\infty$.

In [6]:
def test_method_stability(F):
    xlist = np.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 100)
    ylist = np.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 100)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist)
    λ = X+Y*1j
    Z = np.abs(F(-λ))   
    levels = np.linspace(0, 1, 6)
    contour = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, levels, colors='k')

    contour_filled = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels)

    plt.title('Stability of '+F.__name__)
    plt.xlabel('Re $\lambda h$')
    plt.ylabel('Im $\lambda h$')
In [7]:
def Euler_explicit(λ): return (1- λ)
def Euler_implicit(λ): return 1/(1+ λ)
def explicit_midpoint(λ): return 1-λ+λ**2/2
def implicit_midpoint(λ): return (1-λ/2)/(1+λ/2)
In [8]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100)

for (n, method) in enumerate([Euler_explicit, Euler_implicit, explicit_midpoint, implicit_midpoint]):
    plt.subplot(2, 2, n+1)
In [10]:
def test_f(t, y): 
    #print("Caylculating: t = ", t, "y=", y)
    return Λ*y

def check_scipy_solvers(Method):
    t_span = (0, 1)
    y0 = np.ones(Λ.shape, dtype=complex)

    import scipy.integrate
    res = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(test_f, t_span, y0, method=Method, atol = 1e8, first_step=1)
    z = res.y[:,1]
    Z = z.reshape(λ.shape)
    Z = np.abs(Z)
    levels = np.linspace(0, 1, 6)
    contour = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, levels, colors='k')
    contour_filled = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels)
    plt.title('Stability of ' + Method)
    plt.xlabel('Re $\lambda h$')
    plt.ylabel('Re $\lambda h$')
In [11]:
 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100)

for (n, method) in enumerate(['RK23', 'RK45']):
    plt.subplot(2, 2, n+1)

Stiff equations

  • In general, the system of ODEs can have many eigenvalues.
  • small $|\lambda|$ are determine the long-time evolution $\sim e^{-\lambda t}$
  • large $|\lambda|$ quickly decay (are not visible in evolution)
  • large $|\lambda|$ destabilize the solution, so the time step has to be adjusted to the largest $|\lambda|$
  • equations with large ratio $|\lambda|_{max}/|\lambda|_{min}$ are notoriously difficult to solve (stiff)

Example of a stiff problem:

$$ \vec y'= \left(\begin{array}{cc} -501& 500\\ 500& -501 \end{array}\right)\vec y $$


solve the above problem using explicit Euler method with $\vec y_0=(1, 0)^T$ for $t\in [0,10]$.

For diffusion equations $$u_{t} = u_{xx}+F(t, x, u)=0$$

  • discretization in $x$ gives the highest eigenvalue $u~\sim \sin(\pi x/(dx))\Rightarrow |\lambda|_{max}\sim(dx)^{-2}$
  • the physical domain give the lowest eigenvalue $u~\sim \sin(\pi x/L)\Rightarrow |\lambda|_{min}\sim(L)^{-2}$
  • the stiffness parameter is controlled by the number of points $N^2=(L/dx)^2$
In [12]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=100)
rel = np.array([-0.1, -2.5,  0, 0])
iml = np.array([0, 0, -1, 1])
plt.plot(rel, iml, "ro")
plt.plot(rel*0.7, iml*0.7, "bo")
In [27]:
N = 10
x = np.linspace(0,10, N)
y = np.zeros(N)
y[0] = 1
h = x[1]-x[0]
# explicit method 
for n in range(N-1):
    y[n+1] = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n])
y_explicit = y.copy()    
In [28]:
y[0] = 1
for n in range(N-1):
        solve y[n+1] = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n+1])
        F(y[n+1]) = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n+1]) - y[n+1]
    y[n+1] = y[n]
    k = 0
    for k in range(20):
        u = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n+1])
        dy = abs(y[n+1]-u)
        y[n+1] =  u
        if(abs(dy)<1e-10): break
y_implicit1 = y.copy()
In [32]:
# explicit method 
y[0] = 1
for n in range(N-1):
        solve y[n+1] = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n+1])
        F(y[n+1]) = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n+1]) - y[n+1]
    y[n+1] = y[n]
    k = 0
    for k in range(8):
        F = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n+1]) - y[n+1]
        dF = h*np.cos(y[n+1]) - 1
        dy = F/dF
        y[n+1] -=  dy
        if(abs(dy)<1e-10): break
    # y[n+1] = y[n] + h*np.sin(y[n])

plt.plot(x,y_implicit1, "-o", label="naive implicit")  
plt.plot(x,y_explicit, "-o", label='explicit')  
plt.plot(x,y, "-o", label='Newton implicit')  
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f91bdd894e0>
In [33]:

In the naive method we solve the equation be iteration: $$y_n^{(k+1)}=y_n+hF\left(y_n^{(k)}\right)$$ This method converges when


Which is equivalent to $|\lambda h|<1$ which is the stability convergence for explicit method.


Second order equation $$y''+y=0$$ can be solved directly using $$y_n''\approx \frac{y_{n-1}-2y_n+y_{n+1}}{h^2}$$ which lead to a multistep scheme $$y_{n+1} = -y_{n-1}+2y_n-h^2 y_{n}$$

In [34]:
t = np.linspace(0, 20*np.pi, 1000)
h2 = (t[1]-t[0])**2
y = np.empty(t.size)
y[0] = y[1] = 1
for n, T in enumerate(t[1:]):
    y[n+1] = -y[n-1] + (2-h2)*y[n]
plt.plot(t, y)

Or it can be stransformed into a system of two equations $u=(y, y')$

$$ \vec u'= \left(\begin{array}{cc} 0& 1\\ -1& 0\end{array}\right)\vec u = M\vec u $$

Explicit Euler method gives $$\vec u_{n+1}=(\mathbb{1}+hM)\vec u_n$$ Implicit Euler method gives $$\vec u_{n+1}=(\mathbb{1}-hM)^{-1}\vec u_n$$

In [36]:
import sympy as sp
h = sp.symbols('h')
A = sp.Matrix([[1, h], [-h, 1]])
B = sp.Matrix([[1, -h], [h, 1]])
$\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}\frac{1}{h^{2} + 1} & \frac{h}{h^{2} + 1}\\- \frac{h}{h^{2} + 1} & \frac{1}{h^{2} + 1}\end{matrix}\right]$
In [37]:
t = np.linspace(0, 10*np.pi, 1000)
h = (t[1]-t[0])
u_exp = np.empty([t.size, 2])
u_exp[0, :] = np.array([1, 0])

for n, T in enumerate(t[1:]):
    u_exp[n+1, 0] = u_exp[n, 0] + h*u_exp[n, 1]
    u_exp[n+1, 1] = u_exp[n, 1] - h*u_exp[n, 0]    
In [38]:
u_imp = np.empty([t.size, 2])
u_imp[0, :] = np.array([1, 0])
fac = (1+h*h)
for n, T in enumerate(t[1:]):
    u_imp[n+1, 0] = (u_imp[n, 0] + h*u_imp[n, 1])/fac
    u_imp[n+1, 1] = (u_imp[n, 1] - h*u_imp[n, 0])/fac
In [39]:
plt.plot(t, u_exp[:, 0], label='explicit')
plt.plot(t, u_imp[:, 0], label='implicit')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f91bdcc7cc0>
  • Explicit method is unstable (blows up) - energy is increasing
  • Implicit method is stable - energy is decreasing

For hamiltonian systems energy = volume in the phase space $(y, y')$
Explicit Euler method is a map maps: $\vec u_n\to \vec u_{n+1}=A\vec u_n=(\mathbb{1}+hM)\vec u_n$
Implicit Euler method is a map maps: $\vec u_n\to \vec u_{n+1}=B\vec u_n=(\mathbb{1}-hM)^{-1}\vec u_n$

In [40]:
$\displaystyle h^{2} + 1$
In [41]:
$\displaystyle \frac{1}{h^{2} + 1}$

Volume space increases in explicit methods and decreases for implicit

Symplectic methods for hamiltonian systems

Update velocity from updated position $$u_{n+1, 0} = u_{n, 0} + h\,u_{n, 1}$$

$$u_{n+1, 1} = u_{n, 1} - h\,u_{n+1, 0}$$

Or equivalently composition of two maps: $$\vec u_{n+1}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} 1& h\\ 0& 1\end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{cc} 1& 0\\ -h& 1\end{array}\right) \vec u_{n}=M_1M_2\vec u_n$$

In [42]:
h = t[1]-t[0]
u_sym = np.empty([t.size, 2])
u_sym[0, :] = np.array([1, 0])
for n, T in enumerate(t[1:]):
    u_sym[n+1, 0] = u_sym[n, 0] + h*u_sym[n, 1]
    u_sym[n+1, 1] = u_sym[n, 1] - h*u_sym[n+1, 0]
In [43]:
plt.plot(t, u_exp[:, 0], label='explicit')
plt.plot(t, u_imp[:, 0], label='implicit')
plt.plot(t, u_sym[:, 0], label='symplectic')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f91bdc487b8>

Symplectic method preserve energy (or closely related quantity) $$\vec u_{n+1}= \left(\begin{array}{cc} 1& 0\\ -h& 1\end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{cc} 1& h\\ 0& 1\end{array}\right) \vec u_{n}=M_2(h)M_1(h)\vec u_n$$ where obviously $\det M_1=\det M_2=1$ But they loose this property when the step size is changed they can be used only for conserved systems.

Higher order methods can be used

$$\vec u_{n+1}=M_1\left(\frac h2\right)M_2(h)M_1\left(\frac h2\right)\,\vec u_{n}$$

Symplectic (geometric) integrators can be applied for hamiltonian systems: $H = H(p, q)=T(P)+V(q)$ and hamiltonian equations

$$\begin{align} \frac{dp}{dt} &= -\frac{\partial H(p, q)}{dp}=-\frac{dV(q)}{dq}\\ \\ \frac{dq}{dt} &= \frac{\partial H(p, q)}{dq}=\frac{dT(p)}{dp} \end{align}$$

Split step method

Formally $y'=H(t, y)y$ can be solved using the relation

$$y(t)=e^{\int H dt}$$

For very stiff systems if $H$ can be easily separated as

$$H=O^TH_1O + H_2$$

where $H_1$ and $H_2$ are diagonal and $O$ is orthogonal (or unitary) one can use a split-step method

$$y_{n+1}\approx e^{(O^TH_1O + H_2)h}y_{n}\approx Oe^{H_1h}O^Te^{H_2h}y_{n}$$

This method is often used for solving time-dependent Schroedinger equation, but can be used for diffusion as well.

Two point value problems


  1. $\;\;\;\displaystyle y''=2 y (y^2-1)\,, \qquad y(0) = 0,\, y(\infty)\approx y(L)=1$

  2. Eigenvalue problem (find $\omega$) $\;\;\;\displaystyle -y''+\left(4-\frac{6}{\cosh^2x }\right)y=\omega^2 y\,,\qquad y(0)=1,\,y'(0)=0,\, y(\infty)\approx y(L)=0$
    or $y'(0)=0,\,y'(0)=1,\, y(\infty)\approx y(L)=0$

One can adopt a shooting method:

  1. Define a function $g(a)$ which maps initial problem $y(0), y'(0)=a$ to a difference from the second condition $g(a)=y(L)-1$
  2. Find zero of $g(a)$

Note: Solutions of the ODE can diverge exponentially fast

$$|\delta y(L)|\approx |\delta y(0)|\,e^{\lambda L},$$

where $\lambda$ is a Lyapunov exponent.
Sometimes some modifications of the original problem are required to decrease the Lyapunov exponent.
For example change equation to $y''=0$ when $|y|>10$

  • One can also shoot from both ends to some point in the middle - more difficult but better.

  • Often better: discretize the equation and solve a huge system of algebraic equations (linear or nonlinear). Use sparse matrix solvers.

  • Best: use spectral methods (and full matrices).


  1. ODEs: IVP vs TPVP (solution doesn't need to exist).
  2. Explicit (easier and faster) vs implicit (more difficult but more stable).
  3. High order methods
    • one step (RK)
    • multistep
  4. Stiff equations are difficult to solve and require implicit methods
  5. Some problems require dedicated methods (symplectic for long evolution of conservative systems)


  1. Implement explicit and implicit method for $y'=-y^2$, $y(0)=1$ for $x\in[0,10]$.
  2. Solve the problem $$ \vec y'= \left(\begin{array}{cc} -501& 500\\ 500& -501 \end{array}\right)\vec y $$ using explicit Euler (and implicit) method with $\vec y_0=(1, 0)^T$ for $t\in [0,10]$.
  3. Introduce a damping term $\gamma y'$ to the harmonic oscillator equation $y''+y=0$ to compensate the energy growth to use with explicit Euler method. Draw the energy as a function of time.
  1. Solve at least one of the Two point value problems from the examples a few siledes before.
  2. Implement RK4 method.
  3. Solve a diffusion equation $$u_t=u_{xx}$$ using a three-point or five-point stencil to discretize the spatial derivatives (and transform a PDE into a system of ODEs in time). use your favourite method to solve the time dependent problem for boundary conditions $$u(x, t=0) = \sin\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right)\,,\qquad u(0, t)=u(L,t) = 0$$