Numerical Methods

Lecture 2: Introduction to numerical methods

by: Tomasz Romańczukiewicz
rm B-2-03


  • Numerical errors
  • Patriot Missile Failure (28 dead)
  • Explosion of the Ariane 5
  • Software errors in Aerospace (German)
  • The Vancouver Stock Exchange
  • Rounding error changes Parliament makeup
  • The sinking of the Sleipner A offshore platform
  • Tacoma bridge failure (wrong design)
  • What's 77.1 x 850? Don't ask Excel 2007

Most important problems that numerical methods have to deal with are:

  • Accuracy
    what is the error of the solution?
  • Convergence
    if the method tend to the real solution
  • Efficiency
    how fast we can get the result


  • Floating point numbers have finite accuracy, usually $$\scriptsize x\in[x-\epsilon |x|, x+\epsilon|x|],$$ where $\epsilon\approx 10^{-8}$ for single precision, and $10^{-16}$ for double precission (standard in Python).
  • If not specified usually the last is the last certain digits $$\scriptsize 1.25=1.25\pm0.005,\quad1.000000=1.000000\pm0.0000005,$$ but $\quad{\color{red}{1=1\pm0.5}}$ means 50% error!
  • Errors occur during calculations
$$\scriptsize f(a\pm\Delta a)=f(a)\pm |f'(a)|\Delta a$$$$\scriptsize F(a\pm\Delta a, b\pm\Delta b)=F(a, b)\pm \left(\left|\frac{\partial F}{\partial a}\right|\Delta a +\left|\frac{\partial F}{\partial b}\right|\Delta b\right)$$

Note that euclidian norm can be used instead, which is smaller but more expensive

$$\scriptsize (a\pm\Delta a) + (b\pm\Delta b) = (a+b)\pm(\Delta a + \Delta b) $$
In [76]:
import numpy as np
In [77]:
c = np.float16(2.005)+np.float16(2.004)  # ~ 4 digit accuracy
exact = 4.009
error = abs(c-exact)
print ("c={:.4e}, error={:.4e}, relative err={:.3f}%".format(c, error, error/c*100))
c=4.0078e+00, error=1.1875e-03, relative err=0.030%
$$\scriptsize (a\pm\Delta a) - (b\pm\Delta b) = (a-b)\pm(\Delta a + \Delta b) $$
In [78]:
c = np.float16(2.005)-np.float16(2.004)  # ~ 4 digit accuracy
exact = 0.001
error = abs(c-exact)
print ("c={:.5e}, error={:.5e}, relative err={:.3f}%".format(c, error, error/c*100))
c=1.95312e-03, error=9.53125e-04, relative err=48.800%

Note 49% relative error. Only the first digit is certain!
Subtracting close numbers is the worst numerical operation

$$\scriptsize (a\pm\Delta a) - (b\pm\Delta b) = (a+b)\pm(\Delta a \color{red}{+} \Delta b) $$

Note: Errors are added but values are subtracted. This can lead to a huge loss of accuracy (many orders of amplitude)!

$$\scriptsize (a\pm\Delta a)\cdot(b\pm\Delta b) = \left(a\cdot b)\pm(|a| \Delta b + \Delta a |b| + \mathcal{O}(\Delta^2)\right)$$$$\text{Relative error: }\qquad \scriptsize \frac{\Delta(ab)}{|ab|}=\frac{\Delta(a/b)}{|a/b|}=\frac{\Delta a}{|a|}+\frac{\Delta b}{|b|}$$
In [79]:
c = np.float16(2.005)*np.float16(2.004)  # ~ 4 digit accuracy
exact = np.float64(2.005)*np.float64(2.004)
error = abs(c-exact)
print ("c={:.5e}, error={:.5e}, relative err={:.3f}%".format(c, error, error/c*100))
c=4.01953e+00, error=1.51125e-03, relative err=0.038%

Recall the example of quadratic equation

In [82]:
a = 0.2; b=15; c=0.2
Δ = b**2-4*a*c
x1 = x1_exact = (-b+np.sqrt(Δ))/(2*a)
x2 = x2_exact = (-b-np.sqrt(Δ))/(2*a)
print ("x1 = ", x1, "x2 =",  x2)

Δ = np.float16(b**2-4*a*c)
x1 = (-b+np.sqrt(Δ))/(2*a)
x2 = (-b-np.sqrt(Δ))/(2*a)
print ("x1 = ", x1, "x2 =",  x2)
print ("Relative errors: Ex_1={:.3f}%, Ex_2={:.3f}%".\
       format(100*(x1-x1_exact)/x1_exact, 100*(x2-x2_exact)/x2))
x1 =  -0.01333570454687738 x2 = -74.98666429545312
x1 =  -0.01953125 x2 = -74.98046875
Relative errors: Ex_1=46.458%, Ex_2=-0.008%

$x_1$ has a 56% error when accuracy of $10^{-4}$ is used wheras $x_2$ only 0.08%. Why?
Could $x_1$ be calculated in a different way?

$$\scriptsize x_1=\frac{\sqrt{b^2-4ac}\color{red}{-}b}{2a}= \frac{b^2-4ac-b^2}{2a\left({\sqrt{b^2-4ac}+b}\right)}= -\frac{2c}{{\sqrt{b^2-4ac}\color{red}{+}b}}$$
In [81]:
Δ = np.float16(b**2-4*a*c)
x1 = -2*c/(np.sqrt(Δ) + b )
print ("x1 = ", x1, "Exact:", x1_exact)
print ("relative Error: {:.4f}%".format((x1-x1_exact)/x1*100))
x1 =  -0.01333680646001563 Exact: -0.01333570454687738
relative Error: 0.0083%


Even for $\Delta$ with lower accuracy, the final result is almost 12000 times more accurate than before!
Sometimes it is enough to reformulate an equation to have better defined solution

But still: $$\frac{1}{3}x^2+\frac15x+\frac{3}{100}=0$$

In [68]:
a, b, c = 1/3, 0.2, 0.03
b**2-4*a*c  # test Δ == 0 would fail
In [71]:
a, b, c = 100, 60, 9
b**2-4*a*c  # Δ = 0 exactly

Other examples:

$$E_0=\frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}-mc^2$$$$E_1 = \frac{mv^2}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} + 1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} $$$$E_2 = \frac12mv^2$$
In [110]:
m, c, v, E = 1, 1e9, 0.5, np.empty(4) ; 
E[0] = m*c**2/np.sqrt(1-v**2/c**2)-m*c**2
E[1] = m*v**2/(np.sqrt(1-v**2/c**2)+1-v**2/c**2)
E[2] = m*v**2/2
v=np.float128(v)  # check what happens when v=0.1
E[3] = m*c**2/np.sqrt(1-v**2/c**2)-m*c**2
print("E = ", E)
E =  [0.     0.125  0.125  0.1875]

Micro transactions

In [89]:
T = np.float16
a, b, c = T(0.1), T(0.2), T(0.3)
a, b, c = T(0.1), T(0.2), T(a+b)

Summation problem|

In [73]:
"""Standard summation"""
data = np.array([1000]+1000*[0.1]) 
def naive_summation(data):
    s = 0
    for d in data:
        s += d
    return s
In [74]:
data2=np.copy(data) # data2 = data is just an alias to data (reference not a real copy)
print(naive_summation(data2))  # better  but not accurate
print(np.sum(data))            # standard numpy summation
In [55]:
"""Kahan Summation"""
def kahn_summation(data):
    s, c = 0, 0
    for d in data:
        y = d-c
        t = s+y
        c = (t-s)-y
        s = t
    return s

Condition number

Question: how much a numerical procedure $f(x)$ multiples an input error $\Delta x$
Absolute condition number: how much an absolute error can be increased

$$\lim_{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0} \sup_{\|\Delta\| x \leq \varepsilon} \frac{\|\Delta f\|}{\|\Delta x\|}$$

Relative condition number:

$$\text{cond}(f)=\lim_{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0} \sup_{\|\Delta \| x \leq \varepsilon} \frac{\|\Delta f(x)\| / \|f(x)\|}{\|\Delta x\| / \|x\|}$$

Condition number is a property of a given problem not the method.

Example from previous lecture $$\scriptsize I_n=\frac{1}{e}\int_0^1e^xx^n\;dx$$

generates the following conditions (decreasing but positive sequence)

$$\scriptsize 0<I_n<I_{n-1}$$


$$\scriptsize I_0=1-\frac{1}{e}\qquad I_n=1-nI_{n-1}$$

Suppose that we calculate $I_0$ with $\Delta I_0$ error

$$I_{n}+\Delta I_{n}=1-nI_{n-1}-n\,\Delta I_{n-1}\;\;\Rightarrow\;\;\Delta I_{n}=-n\,\Delta I_{n-1}$$

So the error of $I_n$ is

$$\Delta I_{n}=(-n)(-(n-1))(-(n-2))\ldots(-2)(-1)\,\Delta I_{0}=\Delta I_{n}=(-1)^nn!\,\Delta I_{0}$$

So the condition number for calculation of $I_n$ is $n!$. Even if $\Delta I_0=10^{-16}$ we have $\Delta I_{20}\approx 240$ with $\text{cond}>2.4\cdot10^{18}$ since $I_n<I_0$

In [287]:
import math

Root finding

In [289]:
def F(x): 
    return x**4-2

import scipy.optimize as sc
x = sc.fsolve(F, 1)
print(x[0], 2**0.25)
1.189207115002721 1.189207115002721

Python (or more precisely scipy) provides a powerful solver
It is enough to provide a function definition and a starting point

Root finding

Suppose that we have a continous function $f:\,\mathbb{R}\ni x\to\mathbb{R}$

Task: find a solution $f(x)=0$.
Two basic strategies:

  • bracketing methods $x\in [a,b]$
    • more reliable (stable)
    • require sign change $f(a)f(b)<0$ (not for even roots)
  • iterations
    • faster convergence
    • usually require differentiability
    • can be unstable (cycles, unstable fix points etc.)
  • bracketing methods
    • bisection
    • regula falsi
  • iterations
    • Newton method (Warden and Master of Royal Mint)
    • secan method
    • Hayley method
  • combined forces
    • Brent's method (bisection + secant method, inverse quadratic interpolation)

Bisection method

  • check if $f(a)f(b)<0$ (zero is somewhere in between $a$ and $b$):
  • $c = \frac12(a+b)$
  • choose a segment where $f(x)$ changes a sign $[a,c]$ or $[c,b]$ by checking the sign
    • if $f(a)f(c)<0$ do the bisection for $[a,c]$
      by changing $b\leftarrow c$, $f(b)\leftarrow f(c)$
    • if $f(b)f(c)<0$ do the bisection for $[a,c]$
      by changing $a\leftarrow c$, $f(a)\leftarrow f(c)$

Note: count $f$ only once for each point

In [321]:
def f(x): return x**2-2

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # ploting library 
def make_bisection_plot():
    x = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)
    y = f(x)    
    plt.figure(figsize=(6,3), dpi=150)
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.plot([0, 0], [0, f(0)], c='black')
    plt.plot([2, 2], [0, f(2)], c='black')
    plt.plot([1, 1], [0, f(1)], c='black')
    plt.plot([1.5, 1.5], [0, f(1.5)], c='black')
    plt.plot([1.25, 1.25], [0, f(1.25)], c='black')
    plt.plot([1.375, 1.375], [0, f(1.375)], c='black')
    plt.plot([0, 2], [-2, -2])
    plt.plot([1, 2], [-1.9, -1.9])
    plt.plot([1, 1.5], [-1.8, -1.8])
    plt.plot([1.25, 1.5], [-1.7, -1.7])
    plt.plot([1.375, 1.5], [-1.6, -1.6])
    plt.text(0, 0.1, "$a_1$", verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', usetex=True)
    plt.text(2, -0.1, "$b_1$", verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center', usetex=True)
    plt.text(1, 0.1, '$c_1\\to a_2$', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', usetex=True)
    plt.text(1.5, -0.1, '$c_2\\to b_3$', verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center', usetex=True)
    plt.text(1.25, 0.1, '$c_3\\to a_4$', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', usetex=True)
In [322]:

In each step we reduce twice the legth of the interval in which the root resides
Example of a linear convergence $\epsilon_n\sim\epsilon^{\color{red}1}_{n-1}$
Why bisection and not decasection?

  • 10 iterations of bisection (11 execution of $f$) gives accuracy $\frac{b-a}{1024}$
  • 1 decasection (11 execution of $f$) gives accuracy $\frac{b-a}{10}$
In [323]:
def f(x): return x**4-1

def df(x): return 4*x**3;
def tangent(x, x0, y0, dy):
    return y0+dy*(x-x0)

def make_Newton_plot(x0, f, df, left=0.5, right=2, bottom=-1, top=6):
    x = np.linspace(left, right, 1000)    
    y = f(x)
    plt.figure(figsize=(6,3), dpi=150)
    plt.ylim(bottom, top)
    plt.xlim(left, right)
    plt.plot(x, y, c='r')
    N = 5
    X = np.empty(N)
    X[0] = x0
    for n in range(N-1):
        xn = X[n]
        yn = f(xn)
        dy = df(xn)
        X[n+1] = xn - yn/dy
        plt.plot([xn, xn], [0, yn], c='black', lw=1, linestyle='dashed')
        plt.plot([xn, xn], [0, yn], 'o', c='black', ms=3)
        plt.plot(x, yn + dy*(x-xn), c='black', lw = 0.5)
        if yn<0:
            plt.text(xn, 0.1, "$x_{:d}$".format(n), \
                     verticalalignment='bottom', \
                     horizontalalignment='center', usetex=True)  
            plt.text(xn, -0.1, "$x_{:d}$".format(n), \
                     verticalalignment='top', \
                     horizontalalignment='center', usetex=True)  
    xn = X[N-1]
    yn = f(xn)
    plt.plot([xn, xn], [0, yn], 'o', c='black', ms=3)

make_Newton_plot(0.6, f, df)
[0.6        1.60740741 1.26575079 1.07259388 1.0070429 ]

Newton method

  • We choose a starting point $x_0$
  • For $n>0$ we construct a tangent line at $(x_n, f(x))$ $$y=f'(x_n)(x-x_n)+f(x_n)$$
  • and find its root $$x_{n+1} = x_n-\frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)}$$
In [324]:
make_Newton_plot(0.6, f, df)
[0.6        1.60740741 1.26575079 1.07259388 1.0070429 ]

Newton method can converge very fast $x_n=x_*+\epsilon_n: f(x_*)=0$: $$\small (x_{n+1}-x_n)f'(x_n)=-f(x_n)$$ Expanding in Taylor series up to $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^2)$:

$$\small (\epsilon_{n+1}-\epsilon_n)(f'(x_*)+\epsilon_n f''(x_*))=-f(x_*)-\epsilon_n f'(x_*)-\frac12\epsilon_n^2 f''(x_*)$$

The convergence can be quadratic $$\small \epsilon_{n+1} = \frac{f''(x_*)}{2f'(x_*)}\epsilon_n^{\color{red}2}$$ provided that $f'(x_*)\neq 0$.

What happens when $f(x_*)=0$: exapmle: $f(x)=|x|^k$.


This is a geometric series which converges linearly $|q|<1$ or can be even divergent $|q|>1$.

Interesting case $q=-1$ for $k=1/2$

$$x_{n+1}=-x_n \qquad \text{two-cycle} $$
In [325]:
make_Newton_plot(0.6, lambda x: np.sqrt(np.abs(x)), \
                 lambda x: 0.5*np.sign(x)/np.sqrt(np.abs(x)), \
                 left=-1, right=1, bottom =-0.5, top=1)
[ 0.6 -0.6  0.6 -0.6  0.6]

Newton method:

  • fast (quadratic convergence for single root,
  • linear convergence for highert multiplicity),
  • can be divergent when $|f'(x_n)|\ll 1$,
  • problem for $f'(x_n)=0$,
  • can admit cycles
    • add a damping term $x_{n+1}=x_n-\alpha f(x_n)/f'(x_n)$ with $|\alpha|<1$
  • can be applied for complex numbers (beware of a Newton fractal)
  • easily generalizable to higher dimensions

Similar methods:

  • secant method: secant line through last two points instead of a tangent line at a single point $$\small x_{n+1}=x_{n}-f(x_{n}){\frac {x_{n}-x_{n-1}}{f(x_{n})-f(x_{n-1})}}$$
    • slower convergence but still superlinear $\epsilon_{n+1}\approx\epsilon_n^{1.8}$
    • does not require derivatives
    • other problems similar to Newton method
  • regula falsi similar to secant but from the three points we choose a segment where the function changes sign (just like bisection)
    • bracketing method but usually faster than bisection
    • sometimes it can get stuck
  • Hayley's method $$x_{{n+1}}=x_{n}-{\frac {2f(x_{n})f'(x_{n})}{2{[f'(x_{n})]}^{2}-f(x_{n})f''(x_{n})}}$$ is a Newton's method for $$g(x)={\frac {f(x)}{{\sqrt {|f'(x)|}}}}.$$
    • faster (usually cubic) convergence

Note: both Newton and Hayley developed their methods for celestial mechanical problems to solve Kepler's problem (finding E) $$M=E-e\sin E$$ where $M$ - mean anomaly, $E$ - eccentric anomaly, and $e$ - eccentricity.

Other high order methods?
Take parabola from three points $(x_n,y_n), (x_{n-1},y_{n-1}), (x_{n-2},y_{n-2})$ instead of a straight line?

$$\small Q(x)=\frac{(x-x_{n-1})(x-x_{n-2})y_n}{(x_n-x_{n-1})(x_n-x_{n-2})} + \frac{(x-x_{n})(x-x_{n-2})y_{n-1}}{(x_{n-1}-x_{n})(x_{n-1}-x_{n-2})} + \frac{(x-x_{n})(x-x_{n-1})y_{n-2}}{(x_{n-2}-x_{n})(x_{n-2}-x_{n-1})}$$

Yes, but two solutions for $Q(x)=0$ (or one or none or infinitely many)
Muller's method - some more stable algorithm

Better: inverse interpolation

$$\scriptsize P(y)=\frac{(y-y_{n-1})(y-y_{n-2})x_n}{(y_n-y_{n-1})(y_n-y_{n-2})} + \frac{(y-y_{n})(y-y_{n-2})x_{n-1}}{(y_{n-1}-y_{n})(y_{n-1}-y_{n-2})} + \frac{(y-x_{n})(y-x_{n-1})x_{n-2}}{(y_{n-2}-y_{n})(y_{n-2}-y_{n-1})}$$

$P(y)$ interpolates the inverse of $y=f(x)$ i.e. $x=f^{-1}(y)\approx P(y)$ so $x_{n+1}=P(y=0)$ gives another approximation to zero.

  • Unique iteration,
  • three pointsmust form a monotonic series
  • function $f$ also must be monotonic in a given segment
  • straightforward generalization for higher order methods.

Polynomial equations $Q(x)=0$ can make use of some better techniques:

  • use deflation if $Q(x_*)=0$ we can devive $\tilde Q(x) = \frac{Q(x)}{x-x_*}$ and solve easier problem
  • important: solution $\tilde Q(x) = 0$ is just an approximation and must be used as a starting point for solving full problem $Q(x)=0$ due to numerical errors generated by divisions.
  • Newton's method but starting from real $x_0$ only real $x_n$ can be found (if $Q$ has real coefficients)
  • Better: Laguerre's method capable of finding complex solutions

Why use or not to use the standard scipy solver?

  • For a single root it is fine and perhaps even quite optimal
  • Sometimes it can be overcostly
    • we have to solve iteratively many equations
      implicit schemes for solving differential equations
    • general solvers can work too slowly for certain functions, sometimes we can choose better solver


  1. Implement Newton's and bisection method (best make it library-style)
  2. Use the scipy solver to solve and your own methods to solve the following equations

    • $f(x)=x-\cos(x)=0$
    • $f(x;a,b,c) = a\,x+b + \cos(cx)=0$, where $a, b, c$ are parameters of a function
      Measure how many times functions $f$ were executed before given reaching accuracy (say $10^{8}$)
      (*) use sympy to calculate derivatives
  3. Find a solution of $z^3+1=0$ using Newton's method starting from complex snumbers.

    • (*) generate Newton's fractal (try to do this as optimal as possible)

Tasks cont.

  1. Yield to Maturty.
    YTM is a solution to an equation for $y$:


    Write a program to solve for $y$ for given bond price $P$, face value $F$ and coupons $C\in \mathbb{R}^T$ (narray), for e\xample choose the following values: $$P=\$89,\quad F=\$100, \quad C_i=\$3,\quad T=29$$

  2. Using Black-Scholes formula find market implied voaltility $\sigma$ from the followoing data:
    • Price $V=17.50$
    • Strike $K=585.00$
    • $S=586.08$
    • risk-free rate $r=0.02\%$
    • time to expiry $t_{curr} = 05.09.2014$ and $t_{exp}=18.10.2014$ (hint: import datetime)
    • Hint: use N = norm.cdf from scipy.stats.norm