Subset of Useful UNIX operating system commands

passwd change password finger show current users
man command_name help for command_name apropos keywordfind commands related to keyword
mkdir dir_namecreate directory pwd print (show) current directory
cd dir_name change directory to dir_name cd .. go to parent directory (one level up)
ls list files in current directory mv old_name new_name change name old_name to new_name
mv file_name dir_name move file from current directory to new directory cp old_name new_name copy content of file old_name to file new_name
rm file_name remove file cat file_name show contents of file
more file_name show content of file page by page logout log out

^C (control C) kill job that is running interactively ^Z suspend job that is running interactively
fg foreground (resume) job that has been suspended bg background job that has been suspended
jobslist jobs (running and suspendsed) toplist processes with the highest cpu usage

Summary of Linux commands

Please send your additions and comments to Harvey Gould,

Updated 9 March 2002.